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HomePOLITICSLimuru III Summit Draws Ex-Governor Waititu, Buzz Grows as Delegates Flock (PHOTOS)

Limuru III Summit Draws Ex-Governor Waititu, Buzz Grows as Delegates Flock (PHOTOS)

Limuru III Summit Draws Ex-Governor Waititu, Buzz Grows as Delegates Flock (PHOTOS)

Former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu is attending the Limuru III conference along with other Mt Kenya leaders.

Although Waititu had not previously announced his participation, he is now present at the conference.

Waititu supported President William Ruto’s presidential bid in the 2022 election.

Following Ruto’s victory, he appointed Waititu to the Nairobi Rivers Commission, but this appointment faced legal challenges when activists took the matter to court.

Among the other leaders in attendance are former Laikipia Governor Nderitu Muriithi, Jubilee secretary general Jeremiah Kioni, and Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua.

Kikuyu Elders arrive at the Limuru III Conference on May 17, 2024.

Kioni and Martha Karua have announced plans for a conference aiming to unite more than 10 political parties from the Mt Kenya region. Their goal is to address the pressing issues that have troubled the community in recent years.


They argue that the Mt Kenya region has been grappling with crises for the past two years and stress the urgency of finding solutions.

Karua highlights the significance of the upcoming Limuru meeting as a forum to engage in discussions about various socio-political challenges affecting the community. She underscores the constitutional right for individuals with shared interests to gather and deliberate on their collective future.

Co-convenors of the Limuru III meeting at Junuia centre on May 17, 2024.

Karua stated in March, “The Constitution permits individuals with mutual interests to assemble. We are no exception to this provision and ought to collaborate in shaping our destiny.”

They have also urged for togetherness as they navigate through this new direction.

“I’d like to invite everyone to Limuru III, on May 17, where we’ll address matters pertinent to the Mt Kenya region. We’ll identify the challenges and devise strategies to reunite our people. Let’s safeguard ourselves, our community, and our nation,” Karua expressed in a video encouraging residents to attend.

Despite resistance from certain influential political figures within the Mt Kenya region, the gathering is anticipated to proceed as planned.

Delegates follow proceedings at the Jumuia centre for the Limuru III conference on May 17, 2024.
Jubilee party secretary general Jeremiah Kioni arrives at the Limuru III meeting on May 17, 2024.
Youths carry placards at the Limuru III Conference on May 17, 2024.

Limuru III Summit Draws Ex-Governor Waititu, Buzz Grows as Delegates Flock (PHOTOS)