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Leave South Nyanza Alone- Young Professionals Blast Raila

Leave South Nyanza Alone- Young Professionals Blast Raila

A collective of young professionals hailing from the South Nyanza region have expressed disapproval of any attempts to incite violence against government officials.

This relates to recent statements made by leaders affiliated with the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party, asserting that the Kenya Kwanza Alliance is not welcomed in the Nyanza region.

Addressing the press at KICC on Tuesday, January 16, the group of young professionals, spearheaded by Kennedy Odiek, alleged that Raila Odinga’s ODM party has been dividing the region for an extended period.

“ODM party has chosen to balkanize and attempt to ring-fence Luo Nyanza as a region meant for a particular political party,” Mr Odiek said.

The young professionals are advocating for the ODM party to demonstrate respect for both other political parties in the region and the ruling party. They highlight that although the region is typically seen as a stronghold for the opposition, the ruling party has appointed numerous leaders from the area to various government positions.

Some individuals asserted that leaders from Central Nyanza have exerted significant influence over politics in various regions, leading to the neglect of development in the area.

“Central Nyanza politicians and their enablers come to South Nyanza to intimidate and harass civil servants from the region. This pattern has been part of Luo politics since independence, a shameless continuation of costly politics that have led to economic, and political decline of our community for decades,” Mr Odiek said.

Mr. Odiek, the ruling party’s coordinator in the South Nyanza region, expressed the view that the ODM party has established political dominance in the area. He emphasized the need for a shift in this pattern by fostering the development of democratic processes.


“All the political parties registered to operate in Kenya are welcome to operate in South Nyanza. Kenya is a multiparty democratic state, and all the parties are welcomed to recruit members, field candidates in local suits, and mobilize for power.”

Officials from the region have been urged to stay committed to their national responsibilities and carry out their duties without concern about facing discrimination from the local population.

As per the statements from emerging professionals, ODM employed tactics of coercion and intimidation to undermine rival parties in the region, with the apparent goal of ensuring its dominance as the sole influential political party in that area.

“Decline in democratic space in Luo Nyanza should worry all Kenyans because Luo Nyanza is a very strategic region, and has very strategic people who are of very great importance in our political dynamics of the country.”

Mr. Odinga has received warnings that allowing the ongoing mistreatment of other political parties, preventing them from establishing offices in the Nyanza region, could negatively impact his image as a champion for the multiparty constitution.

Bruce Juma contends that the opposition’s confrontations with government officials from the region represent a regressive approach.

“Let them set their strategies right, let them set their agenda which they have for this country right, and bring to the table that which bring concern to the youth. We are not going to be backed down by petty words which are not going to yield in the South Nyanza,” Juma said.

Leave South Nyanza Alone- Young Professionals Blast Raila