Landlord Waives Off Tenant’s Ksh1 Million Rent Arrears

HomeNewsLandlord Waives Off Tenant’s Ksh1 Million Rent Arrears

Landlord Waives Off Tenant’s Ksh1 Million Rent Arrears

A Nairobi resident exhaled a sigh of relief after her landlord excused her Ksh1 million in rent arrears.

NW and her partner rented a four-bedroom home in Buruburu, with NW paying all of the rent and utilities. The couple led a tranquil existence, with the partner meeting all of her needs. She had no idea that he was drowning in debt.

During an interview with Metha ya Kagona, the tenant described her misfortune and how her landlord helped her during her lowest point. 

Due to the dissolution of her first marriage, she was forced to raise her son by herself. During her recovery, she fell in love with a man and they moved in together. 

As they moved from a two-bedroom house to a four-bedroom house in Buru Buru, she revealed that the man treated her like a monarch.

According to the tenant, her boyfriend began borrowing small sums of money from her, asserting that he would pay them back, and she complied out of love. This included borrowing money from her family and acquaintances for her boyfriend.

“He did not mistreat me but kept to himself a lot. There was a time he stayed at the house for over a month and when I asked him about it, he kept saying that the deals he was working on were being frustrated by his friends and close associates.”

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“On one side, you sympathise with him, but on the other side, there is the reality that we are in debt. At the time, I did not understand the gravity of the situation as he did not reveal how much debt were in,” she recalled. 

However, the situation culminated with two men knocking on her door in quest of her husband. The men, who identified themselves as police officers, questioned her regarding her knowledge of her boyfriend’s business transactions.

She was very uncomfortable with the topic. However, she regained her composure and confronted the police, answering their questions and admitting she was unaware of her husband’s suspicious behavior.

The boyfriend, who had hidden himself in the bedroom, pleaded with her to turn away the police, but was discovered by the sharp-eyed detectives.

“They wanted to know about his private life, his social media lifestyle, what business he conducted – all the information that I had no knowledge of,” she revealed.

“He was able to get out of the cell, the following day and did not come home ever since.”

Panicking about the situation, she came into contact with the agent of the house, who revealed that her boyfriend had rent arrears, which had crossed Ksh1 million. It turned out that the boyfriend had been granted a grace period to pay the amount due, but he rather exploited it.

The lady, struggling to make ends meet, resorted to menial jobs such as hawking necklaces in Nairobi’s Central Business District (CBD), but the amount was not enough to clear the arrears.

To compound her predicaments, the agent gave her an ultimatum to pay the amount lest he takes decisive action against her, including seeking legal redress.

With the debt levels piling up and her hope plummeting, she decided to take her own life. However, a surprise call from the family pastor talked her out of it and offered her hope for brighter days.

As the ultimatum for clearing the arrears fast approached, the tenant was surprised by the agent who visited him impromptu. This sparked eviction fears as she thought she was being reminded to pay the accrued debt.

“Knowing that my fate was sealed, I opened the door, ready for anything but at that moment, the house owner called the agent via phone call and demanded to speak to me on loudspeaker,” she detailed.

“The owner called and said that the whole night he was thinking about my situation a lot and lacked sleep over it. He said that such a situation could happen to anyone, even his own daughter. He told the agent not to disrupt me ever again and wrote off my debt.”

Dumbfounded by the gesture, she expressed gratitude to the landlord, who empathised with her situation.

Feeling relieved by the offer that marked a turning point in her life, NW moved to start her life afresh. She sold her household items and moved to an affordable house.

GossipA2Z.Com could not independently verify the tenant’s claims. 

Landlord Waives Off Tenant’s Ksh1 Million Rent Arrears