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HomeNewsKUCCPS Extends Placement Application Deadline After Parents Uproar

KUCCPS Extends Placement Application Deadline After Parents Uproar

KUCCPS Extends Placement Application Deadline After Parents Uproar

The deadline for submitting placement applications to the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) has been extended until February 26, 2024.

KUCPPS chose the date to provide parents and stakeholders with sufficient time to apply for courses, especially after encountering difficulties with portal access.

“The deadline for the ongoing placement application has been extended to February 26, 2024,” KUCCPS announced on Friday, February 16. 

Calming the anxieties of eager parents and students, the Chief Executive Officer affirmed that all individuals in pursuit of educational opportunities will find placement in higher learning institutions.

“I take this opportunity to assure all those seeking training opportunities through the KUCCPS portal that no one will be left behind,” KUCCPS CEO Dr. Agnes Mercy Wahome stated. 

Parents and students attributed the delays in submitting applications to a perceived ‘flawed’ system, pointing out numerous errors occurring at different stages of the application process.

“Error: Please wait for the payment to reflect to complete the application,” the site read after payment was done, halting the process temporarily,” one user complained. 


“But this extension will be useless if the system does not improve, imagine trying to apply one application for the last few days without success,” the user added.

Addressing parental worries about the site’s performance, the CEO of KUCCPS clarified on February 13 that the system experienced a slowdown because of a surge in student applications.

Addressing Gossip2z, CEO Wahome affirmed that KUCCPS would persist in overseeing the system’s functionality following the necessity to reroute traffic to alleviate congestion on the website.

KUCCPS raised the prospects for individuals who achieved a mean grade of E in the 2023 KCSE exams by revealing a variety of government-sponsored courses that are accredited through the organization.

The courses were divided into Business, Building and Construction, Engineering and Technology, Food Science, Social Sciences, Information Technology, Hospital, Hotel and Tourism, and Clothing, Fashion and Textile. 

KUCCPS Extends Placement Application Deadline After Parents Uproar