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Kenyatta’s ‘Traitor’ Revelation: Murathe Unveils Political Betrayal Saga, Clarifies Uhuru Remarks Not Aimed at Raila

Kenyatta’s ‘Traitor’ Revelation: Murathe Unveils Political Betrayal Saga, Clarifies Uhuru Remarks Not Aimed at Raila

David Murathe, the vice chairperson of the Jubilee Party, has explained that when former President Uhuru Kenyatta referred to “traitors,” he was specifically addressing his former allies who had deserted him to align with his political adversary, President William Ruto.

Murathe stated that Mr. Kenyatta was aiming at individuals whom he had assisted in establishing their political paths, only to have them turn against him when he required their support the most.

In an interview with Gossipa2z.com, Mr. Murathe clarified that Kenyatta was specifically addressing politicians who were at the event on Saturday but have since switched sides and are now collaborating with President Ruto.

“The former president was talking to the leaders present at the church event who turned against him despite supporting them to make political, cabinet, and ambassadorial positions,” Mr. Murathe said.

“Those in attendance know what they did. The former president was only comfortable with Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna at the event. He also talked about the 30 pieces of silver and those who sold their souls know,” he added.

Mr. Murathe mentioned that he spoke with Mr. Kenyatta, who confirmed his steadfast backing for opposition leader Raila Odinga. He added that Mr. Kenyatta is actively advocating for Odinga’s candidacy for the Africa Union Commission (AUC) chairmanship position.

He rejected assertions suggesting that the Azimio leader’s relationship with Mr. Kenyatta is strained due to his connections with Ruto and the government’s endorsement of the continental position.

AUC chairmanship

“The former president and the Azimio leader are talking regularly and even had a long phone call on Tuesday to deliberate on several issues including the AUC chairmanship job and therefore anyone saying the contrary is not true. Azimio is intact,” said Mr Murathe.

During his address at the Episcopal Ordination of Auxiliary Bishops-elect Simon Peter Kamomoe and Wallace Ng’ang’a Gachihi at St Mary’s Msongari Grounds in Nairobi on Saturday, Mr. Kenyatta vehemently criticized unspecified individuals, accusing them of betrayal.

The ex-leader of the nation, speaking bluntly, confronted certain political figures he labeled as traitors, expressing sorrow over the prevalence of betrayal within Kenya’s political sphere.

The fourth president strongly criticized unidentified individuals, cautioning them that their betrayal wouldn’t lead them to success.

“The nuncio has talked about betrayers in the church but I want to say that I don’t see a lot of betrayals in the church. Betrayal is on the other side (as he pointed to the side occupied by political leaders),” said Mr Kenyatta.

“To the traitors, I want to tell them that even Judas (Iscariot) betrayed Jesus but he later left the pieces of silver and hanged himself. Everything will all come to an end,” he added.

The event was graced by the presence of a variety of prominent figures including National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula, Chief Justice Martha Koome, Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja, Cabinet Secretaries Moses Kuria and Susan Nakhumicha, former CS Monica Juma, as well as numerous politicians from Kenya Kwanza and Azimio factions such as Sifuna, Beatrice Elachi, and Tim Wanyonyi.


Yesterday, Mr. Murathe specifically mentioned Public Service CS Kuria, CJ Koome, President Ruto’s National Security Advisor Ms. Juma, Speaker Wetang’ula, and Governor Sakaja as individuals who have caused Mr. Kenyatta distress due to what he perceives as betrayal, despite having supported them significantly in advancing their careers.

“Each of these people has a story to tell on how they made it and the support they received. He (Uhuru) went out of his way to build their careers, yet they turned their backs at the slightest opportunity. These are the political traitors he was talking about,” said Mr Murathe.

He mentioned that it was Kenyatta who selected him to lead The National Alliance (TNA), providing him with an opportunity to kickstart his political journey, ultimately marking his entry into politics as a nominated MP.

He contended that Mr. Kuria gained an advantage from the backing of Mr. Kenyatta to secure the position of Gatundu South MP in the 11th Parliament.

Mr. Kuria embarked on his political venture by aligning himself with former President Mwai Kibaki’s faction within Mr. Kenyatta’s Kanu Party.

In 2014, Mr. Kuria assumed office uncontested as the fresh legislator representing the TNA party, succeeding the late Gatundu South MP Jossy Ngugi.

Mr Murathe said the ex-president was taken aback by how fast former CS Juma shifted allegiance by joining the Ruto camp, “betraying his trust in the process.”

He stated that, without delving into specifics, the others have similarly not performed well. He added that they were aware of Mr. Kenyatta’s actions toward each of them but still chose to oppose him.

Kenyatta’s ‘Traitor’ Revelation: Murathe Unveils Political Betrayal Saga, Clarifies Uhuru Remarks Not Aimed at Raila