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Kenyan Government Seeks Diplomatic Solutions to Save National Facing Execution in Saudi Arabia

Kenyan Government Seeks Diplomatic Solutions to Save National Facing Execution in Saudi Arabia

Korir Sing’oei, the Principal Secretary for Foreign Affairs, shared the government’s stance on the case of Stephen Bertran Munyakho, a Kenyan national facing execution in Saudi Arabia.

In a media interview, Sing’oei mentioned that the Kenyan Saudi Ambassador Mohamed Ruwange was instructed to explore all possible diplomatic avenues to save Munyakho.

Sing’oei emphasized that the ambassador should stay engaged in the case because there may still be options to avoid Munyakho’s execution.

Despite the gravity of the situation, Sing’oei expressed optimism that there may still be a chance to save Munyakho before his scheduled execution on May 15.

He praised Kenyans for their willingness to gather Ksh150 million to help but noted that such measures might not be necessary.

The PS mentioned that the Kenyan ambassador met with his Saudi counterpart, initiating discussions on the matter.


Sing’oei hopes that in the coming weeks, there will be clarity on the situation and potentially a chance to revisit the case in court to avoid the death penalty.

Munyakho was accused of causing his coworker’s death, a Yemeni national, during a fight.

He has been imprisoned since 2011, and the victim’s family initially demanded his execution. Eventually, they agreed to accept Ksh150 million as blood money instead.

According to the court, Munyakho’s family must raise the Ksh150 million by the set date to prevent his execution.

His mother, Dorothy Kweyu, has asked Kenyans for help to gather the funds, arguing that her son did not intend to cause the victim’s death.

She described the execution as an unthinkable outcome and asked for support from 1 million Kenyans donating Ksh150 each.

Munyakho is currently held in Shimeisi prison in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

Kenyan Government Seeks Diplomatic Solutions to Save National Facing Execution in Saudi Arabia