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HomeNewsKAA Crackdown on JKIA Officials' Bribery Schemes

KAA Crackdown on JKIA Officials’ Bribery Schemes

KAA Crackdown on JKIA Officials’ Bribery Schemes

Monday, Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) Chairman Caleb Kositany disclosed that the government was investigating allegations of bribery at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA).

Clay Onyango had complained that airport employees were demanding bribes of up to Ksh50,000 to allow Kenyans to travel to Canada.

Onyango had claimed that at the airport, people with tourist visas were being harassed and asked to pay bribes before they could be allowed to board an aircraft.

“Can someone help us to get Clay to respond? Any allegations made we take seriously and we will investigate thoroughly,” Kositany stated.

According to screenshots provided by the KAA Chairman, airport authorities had been attempting to contact Clay since Thursday, October 5.

This was one day after Clay’s TikTok videos in which he alleged bribery.


“My attention has been drawn to your recent TikTok video on harassment and bribery allegations at JKIA. We would like to pick up the issue and get to the bottom of it,” a staff from JKIA had told Clay.

In addition, he requested that Clay provide more information regarding allegations that Kenyans with tourist visas were denied entry to Toronto, Canada.

Clay did not respond to the JKIA staff, but a random review of his social media accounts revealed that he continued to make allegations about the behavior of airport employees.

Kipchumba Murkomen, cabinet secretary for transport, has pledged to micromanage JKIA to improve its efficacy.

The Transport CS fired the airport’s senior management on August 36, following a national power outage that left JKIA temporarily in the dark after its backup generators failed.

The following day, he announced that he would initiate a crackdown on shady airport businesses.

Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen speaks during a Sunday Service at AIC, Kijabe on October 8, 2023.

KAA Crackdown on JKIA Officials’ Bribery Schemes