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HomeNewsInside Deal Struck to Export Kenyan Students to Iran

Inside Deal Struck to Export Kenyan Students to Iran

Inside Deal Struck to Export Kenyan Students to Iran

Kenya plans to send students and professors to Iran for education at the National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (NIGEB).

The information came to light in a publication by the Tehran Times, which cited statements from Joshua Igweta Gatimo, the Kenyan ambassador to Iran.

Ambassador Gatimo emphasized that this initiative aims to strengthen scientific connections with Iran, enabling Kenyan students to gain insights from the expertise of Iranian researchers.

“Iran’s progress and self-sufficiency in biotechnology and genetic fields are astonishing,” Gatimo stated.

In addition to sending students to Tehran, Kenya is also looking to collaborate with Iran on combating cancer and infectious diseases.

The extent of the involvement was disclosed in a discussion between Gatimo and NIGEB Director General Javad Mohammadi.


Mohammadi consented to Gatimo’s request, affirming that it aligned with Iran’s diplomatic strategy regarding African countries.

He observed that Iran aimed to enhance global collaboration through scientific diplomacy and expressed pleasure in welcoming cooperation with Kenya and other nations in this regard.

Mohammadi emphasized that Iran and Kenya will collaborate closely to initiate shared initiatives in the fields of biotechnology and genetic engineering.

Kenya has strong diplomatic relations with Iran, as demonstrated by the visit of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to Kenya in July 2023.

At the State House in Nairobi, President William Ruto and his Iranian counterpart sealed five memorandum of understanding (MoUs) to enhance collaboration between their nations.

The memorandums of understanding (MoUs) covered areas such as Information Technology, Communication, Fisheries, Animal Health, Livestock Production, and Investment Promotion sectors.

Inside Deal Struck to Export Kenyan Students to Iran