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HomeNewsGachagua: I Have a List of Senior Officials with Fake Degrees

Gachagua: I Have a List of Senior Officials with Fake Degrees

Gachagua: I Have a List of Senior Officials with Fake Degrees

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua Wednesday sparked interest among participants during a meeting at Bomas when he alleged that he has a list of senior officials within the government holding fake degrees.

The list, Gachagua said, was handed to him by some individuals from Nairobi’s River Road who claimed they helped the officials obtain the certificates.

River Road has over the years been linked to the processing of counterfeit academic certificates and other documents.

Speaking during the Third National Wage Bill conference, Gachagua said the operatives who handed him the list had also approached him with a promise to help him secure a degree certificate.

Gachagua, however, said he dismissed the idea saying he was contended with the single certificate he currently holds and does not require a fake one.

“I’m not concerned about the issue of papers because I don’t want to go the River Road route…mimi natosheka na ile kidogo niko nayo,” the DP said.

“I have been complaining that I’m lonely at the top because my boss has three degrees, Comptroller of State House has three yet I have one so these River Road people have been looking for me,” Gachagua revealed.

“They are telling me ‘You are the deputy president what are you complaining about yet we have helped many people?… We have helped so and so and so'”, Gachagua said. 


The DP said he would submit the list of the said individuals to the President.

President William Ruto was among the leaders who attended the meeting.

While reminiscing about activities surrounding the search for Ruto’s running mate in the August 2022, general election, the DP said he received numerous calls from his supporters who expressed willingness to help him acquire a Master’ degree.

The DP said even though he felt disadvantaged knowing that his close rival and current Interior Cabinet Secretary Kindiki Kithure was more qualified, he was not bothered.

“When you called me for the interview and I told you I have only one degree, you asked if I don’t have even a Master, I told you to accept me that way,” Gachagua said about the deputy presidential debate

Gachagua seized the opportunity at Bomas to drum up support for the newly unveiled Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) saying it eliminates the struggle of obtaining a degree certificate for skilled individuals.

“The beauty is that there is no need now to look for these fancy certificates…If you feel you have skills and competencies that need to be certified, the mechanism now is there. There’s no need to go to River Road, Uganda or Ghana,” the DP said.

Gachagua: I Have a List of Senior Officials with Fake Degrees