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First Lady Rachel Ruto: From Prayerful Promises to Controversial Claims – A Closer Look at Kenya’s Spiritual Executive

First Lady Rachel Ruto: From Prayerful Promises to Controversial Claims – A Closer Look at Kenya’s Spiritual Executive

First Lady Rachel Ruto maintains a low profile, refraining from engaging in political matters or making controversial statements that might require her husband’s defense later on. She avoids causing any disruptions or conflicts with others.

She begins her day with morning prayers, then moves on to attend official events, interspersed with moments of prayer. Throughout the day, she continues to pray amidst her responsibilities, occasionally checking in on her family and grabbing meals. Her routine appears to revolve around a continuous cycle of prayer, occasionally interrupted by the demands of daily life.

The initial pair are devout evangelical Christians and credit their victory in the election to prayer. When you include the Deputy President, whose wife serves as a pastor, you end up with an Executive branch that exudes a strong sense of religious piety.

Upon arrival at State House, Mrs. Ruto expressed to religious leaders that they would consistently receive a warm welcome at the residence.

“The doors of State House are open and know that you have Mama Rachel here that will always open the doors for you when the president is busy,” she said.

Her husband also walks the talk. “I want you all to speak a word of blessing around this compound. And those who can speak in tongues, please speak in tongues around this compound,” said President Ruto.


“I’ll ask 30 to 40 members of the clergy to pray over this building (State House). To you all, don’t be in a hurry to leave. Walk around State House as you pray in tongues. Let everyone know that we are finally here.”

Returning to the First Lady, it appears that her devout lifestyle attracts significant attention, as she expresses viewpoints that resonate within her inner circle of prayer, yet to the broader population, they may seem somewhat erratic.

Praying isn’t the issue, but as the Bible suggests, faith must be accompanied by action to be meaningful. Despite good intentions, our First Lady sometimes expresses ideas that even religious leaders find perplexing.

When challenges emerge within the nation, Mama Rachel frequently seeks solace in prayer. Her unconventional remarks have frequently astonished, perplexed, and sometimes amused Kenyans, many of whom contend that they lack coherence.

Recently, she asserted that the strengthening of the shilling against the dollar was attributed to prayer. While acknowledging the significance of prayer, can we entirely attribute this to it?

This week, she momentarily halted her prayer session to utter something that left people puzzled, prompting them to wonder what was going on.

During a Thanksgiving gathering at KICC on Monday, Mrs. Ruto confidently asserted that Uganda’s agricultural prosperity stems from the East African revival of the 1930s. She attributed this to what she described as God’s blessing of fertile land and abundant rains upon the country.

The First Lady attributes the prayers as the reason why Ugandans began planting crops without using fertilizers.

ALSO READ: Rachel Ruto: Ugandans Don’t Use Fertiliser, Their Land Is Fertile Because Of East African Revival Prayers

“In Kenya we see our President talk about fertilizers for our farmers. In Uganda, they don’t use fertilizers. Their land is very fertile and there is enough rain. I came to discover one thing; it is the East African Revival that swept Uganda and some parts of East Africa,” Mama Rachel said.

Last month, she began arranging for the formation of a prayer group for Kenyan police officers scheduled for deployment to Haiti. She stated that spiritual support is crucial for ensuring their safety.

Note that despite the reluctance of powerful nations, who invest vast sums in military might, to deploy troops due to the extreme danger, the Kenyan police are bravely armed only with prayers as they confront a militia determined to eliminate any officers sent their way.

“I have been held up in a meeting with some clergy friends of mine for two days discussing the issues of Haiti because we felt as the national alter that we cannot allow our police to go to Haiti without prayer. So they have been strategizing on a spiritual solution for our police and people of Haiti,” she said then.

“We had pastors from Haiti and America and we are seeing how these three countries can come together to pray because we believe that with prayer everything is possible.”

In 2022, Mama Rachel stated that when they encountered issues with contaminated borehole water at their Karen Residency, she turned to prayer. She mentioned that despite President William Ruto’s investing in purification machines, the borehole water continued to be problematic.

God swiftly transformed contaminated water into purity following her proclamation of Elisha’s biblical verses.

ALSO READ: Tragedy Strikes: 8 Perish Crossing River After Rachel Ruto’s Event

“You know what I did? I went to the kitchen, took a bowl, put salt, and went to the borehole and I decreed the words of Elisha. I went and said ‘This water will never be dirty again!’ And I sprayed the water around the borehole. On Friday I went to the residence and noticed the water was looking different…,” Rachel narrated the miraculous incident.

Last year, when the nation faced a drought, Mama Rachel comforted farmers by assuring them that rainfall was imminent following her prayers.

She asserted that the dispersed clouds signaled the end of the drought season as a divine message from God, urging farmers to ready their fields.

“We know that the counties have been affected very much because of this drought, especially the ASAL areas… today we have prayed, we can see the clouds have formed, and we know the rains are coming. Just like the clergy has said, go and prepare your farms because the rains are coming,” she said.

She maintained her determination in her statements despite the weather forecaster predicting an extended period of hot and dry conditions for the country.

In 2022, Mama Rachel declared that prayer gatherings would take place at the State House every month, aimed at expressing thanks to God for answered prayers.

ALSO READ: Rachel Ruto’s Heartfelt Message to Kenyans: Have Patience, Kenya Holds Promise

“The Bible says ‘People will go up to Jerusalem, year after year, to celebrate the feast of the tabernacles’, and I think that this is a place where people will come year after year for a thanksgiving. I want to tell the church that this is not the last service we are having, you will be coming here month after month to give thanks to the Lord for doing us good,” she said then.

“When the Lord answers your prayer, you go to give thanks, and we will not do it just once; we will keep coming to this altar that the fathers have laid here today in the State House,” added the First Lady.

First Lady Rachel Ruto: From Prayerful Promises to Controversial Claims – A Closer Look at Kenya’s Spiritual Executive