Elusive Brothers: Police Pursue Fugitive Kang’ethe and Sibling in High-Stakes Hideout

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Elusive Brothers: Police Pursue Fugitive Kang’ethe and Sibling in High-Stakes Hideout

Kevin Kinyanjui Kang’ethe, the individual suspected of murder, is presently accompanied by a man presumed to be his brother, and it has been reported that both of their phones are turned off, according to information obtained by the Gossipa2z.

Last Thursday, Mr. Kinyanjui broke free from legal confinement at the Muthaiga Police Station. Subsequently, he proceeded to rendezvous with his brother, whom investigators currently identify as the orchestrator behind the plan for the escape.

He was held at the police station as part of an investigation to decide whether he would be deported to the United States of America (USA), where he is sought for the alleged murder of his girlfriend, Ms. Margaret Mbitu.

A detective from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) who knows the ongoing investigations revealed that both individuals were in each other’s company on the day the murder suspect fled from Muthaiga Police Station.

“The two linked up moments after the suspect escaped and they have since switched off their mobile phones. It is highly believed that they are currently together,” said the officer who spoke in confidence as he is not authorized to address the media.

It has been revealed that several investigators have been assigned the responsibility of tracking the suspect involved in a murder case. The individual managed to escape authorities in the United States, where the crime reportedly took place, and subsequently boarded a flight to Kenya.

In the interim, Ms. Beatrice Ng’ethe, a lawyer residing in the city, was apprehended by DCI investigators from the Nairobi Area. She was subsequently released after 72 hours. During this period, she primarily stayed at Pangani Police Station in connection to the ongoing inquiry into Mr. Kinyanjui’s evasion from Muthaiga station.

Talking to Gossipa2z over the phone, Ms. Ng’ethe, who was granted a Sh100,000 cash bail on Sunday evening, mentioned that she was cooperating with the ongoing investigations.

“We are still helping out with the investigations and will get back to you once I am done,” she said.

Mr. Mohamed Amin, the head of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), informed Gossipa2z that Ms. Ng’ethe underwent questioning about the embarrassing escape incident that reflected poorly on the Kenyan police. This occurred shortly after the United States, via its embassy in Nairobi, commended them for apprehending Mr. Kang’ethe just days earlier.

“Police are investigating her alleged role in the escape but she has already been released,” said Mr Amin.

Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) apprehended her at her residence in Kiambu County on Friday morning while she was getting ready to make breakfast.

Investigators examining the case on Sunday suggested that Ms. Ng’ethe, who happens to be Mr. Kang’ethe’s cousin, attracted their attention when phone records showed her communication with the fugitive in the days leading up to his disappearance from Muthaiga Police Station.

Ms. Ng’ethe’s intimate acquaintances and family members informed Gossipa2z that she had been in contact with Mr. Kang’ethe. However, they clarified that his sole purpose was to seek legal guidance on managing the case preceding his potential deportation to the US, where there is an outstanding arrest warrant against him.

“Kinyanjui indeed approached her, but all he wanted was legal advice on how he would deal with the murder case and the plans to extradite him to the US,” said the friend who spoke in confidence due to the sensitivity of the matter.

The police reported that the lawyer visited the Muthaiga Police Station to meet with the murder suspect, who mysteriously disappeared the day after their meeting.

A station-affiliated officer mentioned that the attorney had permission to converse with Mr. Kinyanjui.

“They talked for some time,” the officer said.

At the time of her apprehension, Ms. Ng’ethe had recently awakened and was in the process of making breakfast when she received a knock at her door.

She immediately headed to the door at 7 am to identify the unexpected visitor, an uncommon event for her. To her surprise, she encountered four unfamiliar individuals, consisting of two women and two men.

The quartet then identified themselves as representatives from the DCI and expressed their intention to discuss certain issues with her. Upon request for identification, they promptly presented their badges.

The CCTV footage reviewed by Gossipa2z reveals that the four officers deliberately avoid making eye contact with the cameras positioned at the entrance of the building.

Two DCI detectives stayed inside the vehicle, a Subaru Outback, a commonly utilized car among officers in the department.


Ms. Ng’ethe was in the company of a friend when law enforcement officers knocked on the door. The friend, whose name is being withheld for privacy reasons, insisted that Ms. Ng’ethe go with them.

The attorney was instructed to refrain from contacting any of her family members to avoid causing concern, with the assurance that she would be released “later in the day.” However, two days passed, and her release still had not taken place.

Following a thorough search of the residence as though in pursuit of something, they departed with the pair.

Gossipa2z is aware that the individuals who were snooping on them were brought to Kiambu Police Station. Instead of adhering to standard procedures for arrest, they were led to the canteen, where an interrogation session commenced.

Subsequently, Ms Ng’ethe’s companion received instructions to depart since they specifically sought the presence of the lawyer. Despite her attempts to resist, the officers adopted a stern approach, compelling her to exit.

The friend was the one who subsequently notified the lawyer’s family. Mr. David Ng’ethe, the lawyer’s sibling, attempted to contact his sister, but she did not respond to the calls.

The family promptly decided for Ms. Rahab Wanjiku, the grandmother of the lawyer, to give her a call.

“After four missed calls, she finally picked up and told our grandmother that she was fine. When she tried to inquire about her whereabouts, a female officer took the phone away and informed her that she was fine before hanging up,” he said.

After contacting the grandmother, the family had not received any communication from the lawyer, as her phone was being toggled on and off.

Mr. Ng’ethe opted to check in at both the DCI headquarters and the Kiambu Police Station later on.

The family was denied assistance at Kiambu Police Station, as officers informed them that they would not be able to record the case at that location.

“I then decided to go to the DCI headquarters but the officers there said they were not aware of such a case,” Mr Ng’ethe told the Nation.

He proceeded with his inquiry and went to Muthaiga Police Station, where authorities also confirmed that her sister was not enrolled there.

He mentioned that he subsequently went to the Karen police station, where he located the vehicle that the DCI had utilized to transport her. However, he was informed that she had not been registered or booked at that location.

The President of the Law Society of Kenya, Eric Theuri, characterized the arrest as a flagrant assault on the legal profession that warrants a response through protests.

“We have instructed a lawyer to file an urgent habeas corpus
application. We are also calling on our members to show up in large numbers at the DCI headquarters on Monday to protest this
outrageous attack on the legal profession. An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us,” he said.

Elusive Brothers: Police Pursue Fugitive Kang’ethe and Sibling in High-Stakes Hideout