Dissident Priest Criticizes Ruto and Government

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Dissident Priest Criticizes Ruto and Government

Canon Sammy Wainaina, provost of All Saints’ Cathedral, criticized President William Ruto for failing to deliver on campaign promises made to Kenyans.

In an interview with NTV on Saturday, May 13, the priest stated that the government stole from the people, thereby making Kenyans poorer.

Dr. Wainaina criticized the current regime for not prioritizing the eradication of corruption to close the loopholes that frequently result in billion-dollar economic losses.

“The current government was elected on the promise of making Kenyans better and wealthier; they were to add value. However, they are currently taking value away from the people and making Kenyans poorer. “It’s so unfortunate that we have such a government,” he remarked.

“What I condemned at the time was a corrupt and inactive government.” He asked, “Why were they elected?”

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In addition, he criticized a portion of the clergy for collaborating with the current regime.

Insinuating this, he confirmed that church services had become political rallies where the highest bidder took the pulpit to address the congregation with his agenda.

“Many Sunday church services are political rallies, so politicians purchase space. Numerous clergies in Kenya are compromised, so they are unable to challenge any government because they receive corrupt funds. I stated the same thing in 2021 and I can say the same thing today. It has gotten worse,” he repeated.

He noted that clergymen were more concerned with financial gain than with spreading the word. He advocated for the regulation of pastors, noting that pastors should live on par with their congregations.

“However, I must admit that the church has let Kenyans down. We do not desire regulation.”

A pastor should live at the same economic level as the congregation, based on the average pastor’s standard of living. The pulpit must meet with Pius because the church is the pastor’s source of support. When you hear of individuals with billions of shillings and others driving unimaginable automobiles, something is seriously wrong,” he added.

Reverend Wainaina made headlines in 2021 for berating former President Uhuru Kenyatta for admitting that the country loses Ksh2 billion per day to corruption.

“Mr. (Former) President, thank you for admitting that we are all thieves without the opportunity to steal. Mr. President, you have at your disposal the EACC (Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission), the DPP (Directorate of Public Prosecutions), the NIS (National Intelligence Service), and every other government agency.

Wainaina stated, “Either the government knows who steals Kenyans’ money, or the government is involved in the theft.”
“What are you telling Kenyans when you admit defeat in this manner? Who will then save this country if the president is unable to do so?” he asked at the time.

Dissident Priest Criticizes Ruto and Government