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HomePOLITICSCS Musalia Mudavadi Pleads With Uhuru Over Bipartisan Talks Report

CS Musalia Mudavadi Pleads With Uhuru Over Bipartisan Talks Report

CS Musalia Mudavadi Pleads With Uhuru Over Bipartisan Talks Report

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has pleaded with former president Uhuru Kenyatta to accept the outcome of the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) report.

Speaking at the thanksgiving ceremony of Devolution Principal Secretary Terry Mbaika in Makueni County on Saturday, the Prime CS questioned the Jubilee Party’s hesitancy in adopting the report.

He, therefore, asked the former Head of State to accept the report and pave the way for the report to take its course.

“Why is Uhuru Kenyatta and his team not respecting the outcome of the report led by chairperson Kalonzo Musyoka and Kimani Ichung’wah?” Mudavadi wondered.

Advocating for transparency and open dialogue, Mudavadi challenged the public to take time to understand and accept the findings for a collective political future.

“Let us respect the due process while the report is being forwarded to the Parliament,” he further urged.

The Prime CS clarified that the report, which is yet to be presented to the house, will be for the benefit of local citizens and will foster unity, between Kenya Kwanza and the opposition party.


He also affirmed that the current administration is working towards reducing the cost of living which formed part of the agenda for the formation of the dialogue committee.

Meanwhile, the Jubilee Party faction led by Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni had expressed reservations about the NADCO report and strongly opposed the outcome.

According to the party, the report outcome did not address the concerns of the local citizens, among them the cost of living.

Addressing the press on November 30, Kioni criticized the report for addressing political interest issues and failing to address the pressing issues facing Kenya.

Furthermore, he raised brows at the creation of the prime minister’s position as well as the Office of the Leader of Opposition as captured in the report.

Kalonzo, a Wiper leader and Principal in the Azimio Coalition, and Ichung’wah, the National Assembly Majority Leaders, lead their respective teams during the months-long negotiations.

CS Musalia Mudavadi Pleads With Uhuru Over Bipartisan Talks Report