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HomePOLITICSClash in Nakuru: MCAs Brawl Over County Secretary Ouster(Video)

Clash in Nakuru: MCAs Brawl Over County Secretary Ouster(Video)

Clash in Nakuru: MCAs Brawl Over County Secretary Ouster

On Thursday, a motion to impeach Nakuru County Secretary Dr. Samwel Mwaura was introduced by Wilson Mwangi, the Menengai East Member of County Assembly. 

This motion created a significant division within the House, separating members into two factions

One group, aligned with Governor Susan Kihika, opposed the motion, while the other faction, dissatisfied with Mwaura’s performance, was in favor of his removal from office.

Mwaura has been accused of several serious offenses. One of the charges is his failure to attend meetings with various assembly committees, which is seen as a neglect of his responsibilities and a disregard for the processes of governance. 

Moreover, he is alleged to have hired aggressive individuals to forcefully remove patients and the management team from War Memorial Hospital. 

The conflicts that ensued reportedly led to the deaths of several patients, further intensifying the criticism against Mwaura.

In addition to these accusations, Mwaura is also said to have violated a court order from the Lands and Environment court.

 This order prohibited the Nakuru County government from interfering with War Memorial Hospital’s operations until a pending court case concerning the hospital’s management was heard and resolved. 


By disregarding the court’s directive, Mwaura is accused of overstepping legal boundaries and potentially jeopardizing the hospital’s functioning.

Another point of contention is Mwaura’s alleged involvement in hiring people to attack and disrupt peaceful demonstrations and picketing organized by the Law Society of Kenya Nakuru Branch.

 These claims have raised concerns about his approach to handling dissent and public opposition.

Despite the severity of the allegations against Mwaura, a significant number of Members of the County Assembly, totaling 63, opposed the formation of an ad-hoc committee to investigate the concerns raised in the motion for his impeachment. 

Their opposition suggests a reluctance to pursue an in-depth investigation into Mwaura’s actions. 

Only two members abstained from voting on the matter, indicating that the assembly’s stance on the issue was largely polarized.

Clash in Nakuru: MCAs Brawl Over County Secretary Ouster