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HomeNewsCartels Fake Sweetener: DCI Uncover Sugar Scam Targeting Kenyans

Cartels Fake Sweetener: DCI Uncover Sugar Scam Targeting Kenyans

Cartels Fake Sweetener: DCI Uncover Sugar Scam Targeting Kenyans

On Saturday, detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) in Makindu, Makueni County, found around 2500 kg of sugar.

A multi-agency team comprising police officers and detectives from Makindu seized the suspected fake sugar during an early morning operation.

During the operation, officers conducted a surprise raid on a white truck, and upon searching, found numerous sacks of sugar inside the vehicle.

The driver was arrested as he tried to evade police scrutiny by presenting two delivery notes for the sugar sacks.

After careful examination, the officers identified the sugar as counterfeit due to inconsistencies in the packaging intended for market sale.

Detectives found that the sugar was packaged in sacks bearing the branding of a well-known sugar company in the country.


Additionally, the manufacturing and expiry dates were written by hand, which further questioned the product’s legitimacy.

The arrest occurred less than a month after the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) expressed concerns about the increase in the sale of illegal products in the country.

KAM stated that the illegal trade hindered the government from collecting sufficient revenue to fund its operations.

According to manufacturers, counterfeit products like sugar, milk, and alcohol powder primarily benefit the producer, who avoids paying the required taxes and levies.

“Illegal trade creates unfair market competition, diminishing genuine investors’ market share and damaging their brand reputation,” the manufacturers explained.

KAM further pointed to the shrinking alcohol and cigarette industries in Kenya due to illegal trade as an example of the negative effects.

Cartels Fake Sweetener: DCI Uncover Sugar Scam Targeting Kenyans