Bowing to Pressure? Morara Kebaso Steps Back, Blames Supporters for Betrayal

HomePOLITICSBowing to Pressure? Morara Kebaso Steps Back, Blames Supporters for Betrayal

Bowing to Pressure? Morara Kebaso Steps Back, Blames Supporters for Betrayal

Morara Kebaso announced on Wednesday that he would be stepping back from politics and activism to reassess his approach and better engage with his base.

In his statement, Kebaso admitted that some supporters failed to stand by him during difficult times, prompting him to rethink how to mobilize them effectively. This led to his decision to take a temporary break.

“I need to step back and develop a new strategy,” he explained, noting that many supporters are active online but don’t show up when he’s in trouble. “I must find a way to rally loyal supporters who will back me when I’m under fire.”

Kebaso also mentioned that the attacks against him have increased, with law enforcement strategically targeting him on days with major news, allowing these incidents to go unnoticed.

“This is why I’m taking a break. I genuinely fight for Kenya, but I need Kenya to fight for me. I need to figure out how to get the country to stand with me,” he added.

The decision came after Kebaso faced several challenges in recent weeks.

Kebaso has already been arrested twice, with his supporters dismissing the charges as baseless. For example, a cyber harassment case was quickly dropped after the plaintiff, David Langat, denied any involvement in the accusation.


During Friday’s public impeachment hearing for DP Gachagua at Bomas, Kebaso was attacked and prevented from addressing the audience.

In a video posted two days later, he expressed his suspicion that a mole from the National Intelligence Service (NIS) had infiltrated his team, citing a series of suspicious events in recent weeks.

One such event was a car accident in Embu, which he believes was orchestrated. His team found that the vehicle involved wasn’t registered to any individual but to a non-existent company, raising further suspicion.

In the same video, Kebaso discussed tightening his security measures, explaining that every time he shared his whereabouts, negative incidents would occur. He suggested the mole was someone close to him, possibly involved in a failed attempt to poison him.

Kebaso also urged the public to report any suspicious behavior from his team members, assuring that he would personally vet everyone in his circle to prevent betrayal. He also asked for financial support to help cover his private security costs, as it was becoming expensive.

Most recently, Kebaso was arrested again for allegedly causing a disturbance at Bomas of Kenya by chanting inflammatory remarks after being attacked.

Bowing to Pressure? Morara Kebaso Steps Back, Blames Supporters for Betrayal