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HomeNewsBaffling Actions of Ruto CSs Leave Kenyans and Lawmakers Fuming

Baffling Actions of Ruto CSs Leave Kenyans and Lawmakers Fuming

Baffling Actions of Ruto CSs Leave Kenyans and Lawmakers Fuming

The “order” of Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha to transfer the officer in command of the Matisi police station continues a pattern of President William Ruto’s Cabinet Secretaries exceeding their mandates.

Contrary to the constitution, Ms. Nakhumicha stated that she had the authority to transfer the officer in her capacity as CS and that her directive was final.

She stated that the Kenya Kwanza government is implementing a “one-government approach” in which any CS can make declarations regarding responsibilities outside of their purview. “…. I am giving an order, county commandant if you are here or can hear me from wherever you are, that by tomorrow (Sunday) the Matisi OCS should be gone,” Ms. Nakhumicha stated over the weekend.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua informed the leaders of Azimio la Umoja One Kenya on Sunday that their security would be reinstated only if they “behave well” over the next three months.

At the height of anti-government protests, the security detail of the coalition’s leader Raila Odinga, Wiper’s Kalonzo Musyoka, and more than 50 MPs and governors was withdrawn two weeks ago.

According to Section 4 of Article 245 of the Constitution regarding the command of the National Police Service, no one other than the responsible CS may direct the Inspector-General regarding the employment, assignment, promotion, suspension, or dismissal of any member of the service.

ALSO READ: President Ruto Furious: Demands CSs Kuria & Kindiki’s Late Arrival Explanation

Mr. Gachagua and Ms. Nakhumicha are among a growing number of Kenya Kwanza leaders who are exceeding their authority, prompting the question of whether or not their actions are deliberate or merely reckless.

Investment, Commerce, and Industry Moses Kuria, Alfred Mutua (Foreign Affairs), and Florence Bore (Labour) are the other Cabinet members who have attempted to exert influence beyond their ministries.

In November of last year, Mr. Kuria and his counterpart in the Department of Agriculture, Mithika Linturi, clashed over food import directives.

This is in response to Mr. Kuria’s announcement that the government intends to import genetically modified maize to protect Kenyans from starvation.

He then indicated that Kenya has a 15 million-bag deficit in maize production. In addition, he warned farmers not to hoard the produce, lest the government purchase from foreign markets.

Mr. Linturi distanced himself from the statements, stating that he was unaware of any intentions to ship genetically modified maize. “I am the guardian of the ministry, and I am not prepared to respond to the social media reports,” he said.

The CS proceeded to allay concerns of food insecurity, stating that he has all the relevant data.

In February, Mr. Kuria was at it again, advocating for Khartoum to be bombed if Sudan’s warring generals failed to reach a ceasefire. He stated that military invasion is the most effective method to combat armies that overthrow governments and that the African Union should not hesitate to bomb Sudan.

ALSO READ: Deputy President Slams Human Rights Groups Over Protest Claims

“The international community should invade any nation where armies overthrow the government. “Appeasement is not profitable,” he wrote. Later, the principal secretary for foreign affairs, Korir Sing’oei, stated that Mr. Kuria’s views do not reflect Kenya’s position on the issue.

“The personal views expressed by Moses Kuria do not reflect the government’s position on this difficult and complex issue,” Dr. Sing’oei stated that we continue to engage with all parties towards a peaceful resolution of the Sudan Crisis.

In the same month, the two read from different scripts regarding the drive to close China Square, with the CS stating that Chinese manufacturers and not traders were welcome in the country.

“No legal investor, regardless of nationality, should be concerned because the country’s investment regime is non-arbitrary and non-discriminatory,” the PS stated.

Ms. Bore assumed charge of the Londiani Junction accident last month, updating Kenyans on the accident’s fatalities and injuries despite the accident falling under the jurisdiction of Roads CS Kipchumba Murkomen.

Dr. Mutua announced on Saturday that Kenya will send 1,000 police officers to Haiti to train and assist the country’s police in restoring normalcy and protecting strategic installations. Such a statement should ideally come from the Ministry of the Interior, not the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Several of President Ruto’s cabinet secretaries have also angered senators with their unprofessional conduct. Senate Speaker Amason Kingi stated on Wednesday that Dr. Mutua and Ms. Nakhumicha only informed the secretariat the night before their scheduled appearance that they would not be present to address senators’ questions.

ALSO READ: Ruto Excludes CSs from State House Summit

We will contact the Prime Cabinet Secretary because, as an institution, we will not tolerate this conduct. If a Cabinet secretary is unable to attend, courtesy dictates that they notify the Senate in advance so that the Senate may reschedule its business. “It is impolite to write the Senate a few hours before its meeting,” he said.

Majority Leader Aaron Cheruiyot added, “I want to call your attention to the fact that this is unbecoming behavior on the part of the two CSs. “Appearing before the Parliament is neither a privilege nor something to be taken lightly.”

Whip of the Majority Boni Khalwale urged the legislature to reject any business presented by CSs who do not honor their invitations.

“If individuals wish to engage in joyriding, they may do so outside the legislative and executive branches. The country necessitates that we be prodded to deliver where we are. Senator from Kakamega: “We can’t do it as long as we have government employees who prioritize travel over official duties.”

Baffling Actions of Ruto CSs Leave Kenyans and Lawmakers Fuming