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HomePOLITICSAzimio Enlists Biden Senator Chris Coons to Remove Whitman

Azimio Enlists Biden Senator Chris Coons to Remove Whitman

Azimio Enlists Biden Senator Chris Coons to Remove Whitman

Azimio leaders have enlisted the assistance of Delaware Senator Chris Coons in their decisive move to remove US Ambassador Meg Whitman from her position. This action comes as a response to her assertion that the 2022 presidential election was characterized by its openness and fairness.

Addressing a funeral ceremony in Kisii on Friday, August 18th, ex-Defense Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa remarked that the opposition’s objective was to have a meeting with Delaware Senator Chris Coons, who was in the country during that period.

Wamalwa expressed that the objective of this gathering was to express their unhappiness with Whitman’s behavior. The leader of the DAP-Kenya party also mentioned that the opposition intends to ask Senator Coons to communicate this feeling to President Joe Biden of the United States.

Wamalwa echoed Raila’s stance on the matter, reiterating that all diplomats must maintain neutrality and asserting that Ambassador Whitman has displayed an unusual flirtation with the Kenya Kwanza regime.

Azimio is counting on Coon’s strong relationship with Raila to address their concerns.

Notably, Coons belongs to the same Democratic party as Biden. Biden and Coons have both served as Delaware’s senators.

ALSO READ: Ruto Responds to Raila on US Ambassador Remarks: Who Is Rogue Between The Two?

“We are aware that the Senator is in town and that he represents Biden. If it were up to us, we would have sent him back with Meg, but instead, we are sending him back with the message that we are unhappy with the ambassador,” stated Wamalwa.

The former secretary of defense argued that Whitman’s remarks could increase political tension and jeopardize the ongoing bipartisan discussions between President Ruto and Raila.

Wamalwa, a key member of the Azimio coalition, asserted that the country’s two major political parties will resolve their differences without outside intervention.

“We want to discuss these issues as Kenyans, and IEBC is one of them.” She believes the elections were legitimate. That was how she and UDA viewed it. But as Azimio, we can see that they were neither equitable nor free,” he continued.

It is currently unclear whether Azimio and its leaders met privately with Coons to express their concerns about Whitman.

Raila encountered Coons before leaving for the United Kingdom on Saturday, August 19.

Raila met Coons the day following the American lawmaker’s meeting with President Ruto at State House in Nairobi.

Azimio Enlists Biden Senator Chris Coons to Remove Whitman