William Oduol Impeachment Drama Unfolds: $1.1M Chair Controversy Rocks Senate

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William Oduol Impeachment Drama Unfolds: $1.1M Chair Controversy Rocks Senate

Members of the committee formed to hear the impeachment case filed against Siaya Deputy Governor, William Oduol, took turns sitting on a Ksh1.1 million chair he was accused of illegally acquiring on Thursday, June 22.

The senators argued that they were evaluating the suit’s coziness and the financial justification of the amount paid.

When senators inquired about the exorbitant cost, Oduol categorically denied any involvement in its procurement.

The senators were dissatisfied with the chair’s exorbitant price tag, especially since it lacked any distinguishing characteristics.

In his defense, Oduol blamed the county’s procurement officer for authorizing the purchase of the chair, and he concurred that it was not worth the exorbitant price.

Oduol argued that the procurement officer was misled into believing the chair had orthopedic benefits.

Based on his evaluation, he concluded that the chair was a typical, unremarkable seat with no outstanding qualities.

“I am astounded that we spent Ksh1.1 million on a standard chair of average quality.” According to my evaluation, it is not orthopedic. Perhaps they used this justification to justify the price.

“The accounting officer and the head of procurement should be questioned as to whether we received value for money when purchasing this chair,” Oduol retorted, urging the Senate to discipline his subordinates.

Orthopedic chairs are designed to provide optimal support for the spine and body and to ensure the correct sitting posture. They can be adjusted to provide temporary positional pain relief and increased comfort.

ALSO READ: Resounding Alarm: Senators Raise Concerns About Impending Ouster of Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol

Oduol maintained that, contrary to allegations that he coerced county officials into purchasing the chair, he neither forced nor persuaded them to renovate his office.

According to him, the procurement officer is accountable for failing to utilize his expertise to determine the seat’s true value.

He argued that the presented evidence was missing affidavits from other county officials who exonerated him of involvement in the scandal.

“If, as alleged, Ksh18 million was used to renovate my office without being budgeted for, the head of procurement as the accounting officer is responsible.

“It was his responsibility to ensure that the aforementioned sum was budgeted for before initiating the procurement process. Oduol, who is attempting to retain his position, stated to the committee, “I did not force anyone to complete the renovations.”

Senators, however, put him under intense pressure to explain whether he investigated the procurement flaws or raised the alarm when he realized the seat was overpriced.

Oduol responded by asserting that he verbally requested the invoice but was never furnished with the necessary paperwork.

“I was never involved in the evaluation, and despite my repeated requests, I never received the invoice. “The requests I made were verbal,” he emphasized.

On Monday, May 29, members of the Siaya County Assembly voted to impeach Oduol, a day after he was expelled from ODM for allegedly conspiring with the Kenya Kwanza government to sabotage his boss, James Orengo. The Senate will either confirm or overturn his removal.

William Oduol Impeachment Drama Unfolds: $1.1M Chair Controversy Rocks Senate