Absence of Integrity: Dishonorable MPs Fail to Show Up in Critical Times

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Absence of Integrity: Dishonorable MPs Fail to Show Up in Critical Times

A total of 85 legislators betrayed their constituents by skipping a crucial vote on the Finance Bill. Which will determine tax-raising measures. The cost of living, and other financial issues that directly affect their constituents.

Some members of Congress were physically present in Parliament. But chose not to perform the duties for which they were elected, leaving their constituents unrepresented.

Just minutes before the vote, some members were the most vocal on the House floor. Voicing either their strong support for or opposition to a bill. That will substantially increase the cost of living in the country.

Some had also traveled abroad against the directives of their political parties. Despite having made vicious public statements regarding their position on the Bill.

Wednesday, when the division bell rang, only 257 out of 349 representatives were present in the House.

A total of 176 members, primarily from Kenya Kwanza, voted in favor of the Bill. While 81 members of parliament, primarily from the opposition Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Coalition, voted against it.

Another six members – Catherine Nakhabi Omanyo (Busia, ODM), Sabina Wanjiru Chege (Nominated, Jubilee), Millie Akoth Odhiambo (Suba North, ODM), Tom Joseph Kajwang’ (Ruaraka, ODM), Amina Laura Mnyazi (Malindi, ODM) and Rozaah Akinyi Buyu (Kisumu West, ODM) – were also absent as they had been suspended by Speaker Moses Wetang’ula over chaos witnessed in the House last week.

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Since Kullow Maalim Hassan passed away at the start of the year, Banissa has no representative.

Disciplinary measures

Some of the opposition partner parties have since taken disciplinary action against their absent members.

They are also targeting coalition members who supported the bill despite opposition from the coalition.

Raila Odinga’s Orange Democratic Movement (ODM). Has since sent an explanation letter to 24 members who were absent during the vote.

The party, through its Secretary-General and senator from Nairobi, Edwin Sifuna. Has also sent letters to four others who supported the Bill.

David Murathe, the vice-chairman of Jubilee. Told GossipA2Z that the former ruling party will take similar disciplinary action against members who disobeyed party policy or chose to abstain from voting.

He stated that the purge would begin once the party leadership dispute was resolved.

Yesterday, Kalonzo Musyoka’s Wiper Party and the Democratic Action Party of Kenya (DAP-K) accused Mr. Wetang’ula of deception after he reportedly told the House that voting would take place on Tuesday.

However, the two organizations have indicated that they are reviewing the reasons provided by their members who did not vote to determine disciplinary action.

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GossipA2Z has learned that Mr. Odinga instructed all Azimio legislators to halt international travel until the bill is repealed.

According to various sources, Mr. Odinga was angered by the defiance of his members who voted in favor of the bill.

Mr. Sifuna told GossipA2Z that the organization may consider expelling a few members. He noted that the party will excuse those who are absent for valid reasons.

“We are currently awaiting responses. You are aware that we sent letters to those who were absent from the meeting. I am certain that some of them have valid reasons for their absence. Mr. Sifuna explained that the rules stipulate that the disciplinary process will continue whether or not the individual responds to the notice.

“Depending on the infraction, the party’s rules contain a variety of sanctions, ranging from fines and reprimands to suspension and expulsion,” he added.

In the show cause letters to the members, the party stated that it had received numerous complaints from its general membership regarding the behavior of its National Assembly members during the vote on the Finance Bill of 2023.

“By the party’s disciplinary regulations, notices to show cause have been issued to the aforementioned members. The response is expected within the next 48 hours, the party told its members.

John Mbadi, chairman of the ODM and a nominated member of the House of Representatives who skipped the meeting, confirmed receiving the letter. He stated that he would reply.

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“In the interest of equity, justice, and fairness, everyone, including myself as chairman, must explain where they were on that day. “Once this is complete, we will know who is rebellious and who opposed the party position by voting against the Finance Bill of 2023,” Mr. Mbadi said.

Absence of Integrity: Dishonorable MPs Fail to Show Up in Critical Times

Describe whereabouts

He stated that all ODM legislators must explain their whereabouts on the relevant date, and those who voted in favor of the bill must also explain why they went against the party’s position.

Mr. Mbadi stated that he was in Geneva, Switzerland, for official PAC duties.

“I informed the party leadership that I was away on official business. The Auditor-General had raised a concern about our embassy in Geneva, and as a committee, we decided that some of our members should visit the location,” Mr. Mbadi explained.

Eseli Simiyu, secretary-general of the DAP-K, stated that Mumias East MP Peter Salasya was the only absent member.

According to Mr. Simiyu, the lawmaker explained to the party that he was led to believe that the vote would not occur that evening. Therefore, he participated in the House debate and then left, learning only later that the vote had been called.

“He has defended himself by stating that the Speaker indicated that the vote would take place the following week. Thus, he exited the House. If his defense is valid, we will not punish him,’ said the SG.

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Mr. Salasya had vowed to vote against the proposed legislation. “Even if you (Kenya Kwanza) pass that thing, you can only pass it with your vote. In a previous event, Mr. Salasya had declared, “My vote will be against it.”

Wiper Secretary-General Dan Maanzo, who is also a senator from Makueni, defended the party’s legislators with a similar justification.

However, he cautioned the members not to leave the House the next time, as a vote could be called on any issue being discussed in the House.

“We have instructed our members to be vigilant the next time. Mr. Manzo added, “Some of our members were also sent on trips.”

However, the ruling United Democratic Alliance (UDA), through its Secretary-General Cleophas Malala, stated yesterday that they would not punish any of their members who skipped the vote or defied the party stance and voted against the Bill.

Divergent views

Mr. Malala stated that UDA promotes divergent viewpoints and cannot punish its members for their decisions.

“We consider ourselves a democratic party. Tolerate divergent views. We will not punish any of our members for expressing differing opinions. Some of these members informed us that they were absent, while others claimed to be ill, said Mr. Malala.

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Otiende Amollo, a Rarieda representative who was absent during the debate, had argued that the bill was inimical to the welfare of Kenyans and should be rejected or withdrawn for redrafting.

“You must listen to us on this matter, and if you use the majority to pass this Bill, there are still the courts, and if you use the courts, there are still the people,” Dr. Amollo said.

The Nyali representative Mohammed Ali, who also skipped the vote, had earlier in the day defended the Bill and accused his colleagues of being self-centered in their opposition to the contentious housing levy.

“Today’s legislators are privileged because every citizen has a House. A member of parliament is eligible for a Sh30 million mortgage, and I am a beneficiary. MPs should stop being self-centered and put Wanjiku’s interests first. “Consider the positive aspects of the Bill; let us not be greedy,” said Mr. Ali.

In a previous event, the Kabuchai representative Majimbo Kalasinga rallied his supporters to indicate how he should vote on the Bill.

“I am your representative and servant. Those who want me to vote against the Bill should yell “Yes” and raise their hands. Second, no one believes I should go to Parliament and accept the Finance Bill; I have received my response. Mr. Kalasinga vowed, “I’ll go to the legislature to fulfill my responsibilities.”

On Wednesday, Kalasinga was present in the House but was absent when it came time to vote.

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The close ally of President William Ruto, Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi, was absent from the chamber during the vote.

In public rallies, he is one of the most vocal proponents of the Bill. Embakasi East MP Babu Owino, who also missed the session, tweeted that he was meeting with his attorney on Wednesday because his case was scheduled to be heard on Thursday. Mr. Owino tweeted, “I cannot support an oppressive bill that will kill Kenyans.”

He stated that there is still hope for the Bill because the most crucial stage of the proposed legislation, the third reading, has not yet occurred.

“Fellow Kenyans, the most important, significant, and crucial stage of a bill such as the Finance Bill is the third reading, where each clause will be voted on. This will occur next week, said Mr. Owino.

Absence of Integrity: Dishonorable MPs Fail to Show Up in Critical Times