Raila Plans Tuesday Demos to Visit Treasury and Ruto’s Office

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Raila Plans Tuesday Demos to Visit Treasury and Ruto’s Office

Raila Odinga, the leader of the coalition Azimio La Umoja One Kenya. Says the opposition’s planned anti-government demonstrations will still occur on Tuesday despite the police’s refusal to permit them.

Odinga stated in a statement on Sunday that the opposition is exercising their constitutional right. To peacefully assemble, demonstrate, picket, and present petitions to public authorities.

As a result, he announced that they will present petitions to four government offices on Tuesday. To exert pressure on the administration of President William Ruto to comply with their demands.

Odinga, who has refused to concede defeat to Dr. Ruto in the August 2022 presidential election. Stated that they will submit a petition to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC). To prove that the election results were manipulated and to demand an audit of the electoral servers.

“We will also petition the IEBC against the dismissal of the four commissioners. Because it sets a dangerous precedent that in all future elections. All commissioners will be required to agree with the chairperson of the IEBC,” he said.

He announced that the group will also submit a petition to the White House. “Proving that the cost of food, fuel, electricity, and fees remains unacceptably high.”

He added, “We will also petition OP to refrain from invading and destroying rival political parties. As was attempted at the Jubilee headquarters and through the auction of MPs in Parliament.”

According to Odinga, they will also petition the National Treasury. For the immediate release of all funds owed to counties and for the prompt payment of all civil servants’ salaries.

ALSO READ: Ruto Takes Action Against Churches for Shakahola Massacre.

“On that day, we intend to visit the Public Service Commission. To demand that appointments to public offices be made solely based on merit and inclusivity. As opposed to the tribe, as is the case currently. We cannot have a country with close to 50 tribes. Where only members of one tribe are appointed,” Odinga’s statement continued.

He accused the Kenya Kwanza administration of attempting to suppress them, stating, “We shall not agree to be cowed into silence when so many things are going wrong in the country; with cults that enjoy the patronage and protection of State House killing Kenyans, including children, in their hundreds, goons hired by the state invading and destroying private property, massive corruption making a grand return to the country, and tribalism taking an unprecedented hold on public office.”

The Regional Police Commander of Nairobi, Adamson Bungei, stated on Sunday that protests will not be permitted in the capital, despite Azimio’s notice informing the police of their intention to take to the streets.

He stated that the opposition did not exhibit goodwill during previous demonstrations and that they did not meet the requirements for peaceful protests outlined in Article 37 of the Constitution and Section 5 of the Public Order Act.

ALSO READ: Sakaja Urges Swift Resolution to Azimio vs Kenya Kwanza Standoff

The police chief asserts that Azimio violated Section 5 of the Public Order Act, which permits peaceful and unarmed demonstrations.

His announcement came a day after President Ruto issued a warning against any form of lawlessness or property destruction by opposition supporters during Tuesday’s unpopular demonstrations.

Ruto stated on Saturday that he had offered Odinga the opportunity to address any grievances peacefully through a proposed bipartisan parliamentary process, but that the opposition leader had instead chosen to stage protests.

“For the avoidance of doubt, there will be no demonstrations to damage people’s property, cause chaos, prevent people from going to work, or prevent our children from attending school. That will not occur, he stated.

Odinga halted the protests on April 2 after President Ruto invited him to participate in bipartisan parliamentary discussions to address their grievances.

The opposition, however, has accused the Kenya Kwanza team of failing to commit to holding constructive talks, so the process has not yet taken off.

Odinga also demanded a dialogue similar to the National Accord of 2008, which President Ruto rejected.

Raila Plans Tuesday Demos to Visit Treasury and Ruto’s Office