Arati to Appear Before Senators Over Development Funds Absorption – Onyonka

HomeNewsArati to Appear Before Senators Over Development Funds Absorption - Onyonka

Arati to Appear Before Senators Over Development Funds Absorption – Onyonka

On Friday, Kisii Senator Richard Onyonka expressed concern over what he described as concerning reports regarding the purportedly insufficient absorption of development funds by the Kisii County Government.

The Senate has scheduled a meeting with Governor Simba Arati to discuss the issue.

“Most likely he would soon come to the Senate to explain where the challenges are, what the issues are, and why he is not spending the money in the County Revenue Fund account,” Onyonka said.

“What is in there is public money that should be used to benefit the Kisii people ?”

The Senator, addressing a crowd in Kisii, stated that the Arati administration has not yet utilized approximately Sh3.7 billion from the County Revenue Fund.

“This is public money for the Kisii people. I am going to follow it up to ensure the governor coordinates his teams to ensure a roll-in of projects, and there can be a rolling-in of payment for the projects so that the economy of Kisii can grow,” stated Onyonka.

However, he expressed his readiness to approach the Governor directly to discuss the underutilization of development funds before his scheduled appearance before the Senate.

“It is unsettling for sure. Any time you realize that your recurrent expenditure is 10 and development expenditure 6 percent, there is a problem,” Onyonka told journalists in Kisii during the launch of oversight groups.

The supervisory group comprises individuals representing each of the 47 Wards, tasked with reporting back to the Senator’s office.

The Senator consistently stated that he had decided to question Arati about the matter due to his inexperience in his role as governor.


“Now that he has been in office for quite a while, I think it is important we begin engaging him,” he said.

“It is time people began working so that Kisii can be made great again.” 

Regarding Deputy Governor Robert Monda’s impeachment, Onyonka remarked that there remained a path forward if Monda pursued legal action.

“I abstained from voting because there were so many underlying tensions and violence which must be resolved,” he told journalists.

Onyonka addressed the public shortly after County Governor Simba Arati expressed indifference towards his low rankings, which positioned him at the bottom of the development score.

He expressed optimism about the future, anticipating improvements as he initiates significant development initiatives throughout the county.

“It doesn’t bother me much for now but soon we are going to emerge the best overall,” Arati told journalists last week.

The county leader mentioned that initial efforts have commenced and will soon be evident within the broader scope of their administration’s endeavors aimed at enhancing livelihoods in the area.

Some Kisii Ward Reps however rebuked him over the response.

“It worries and should bother any right-thinking resident that we are fairing this bad on the development index,” said Nyatieko Ward Rep Amos Mokaya.

According to the latest report from the Controller of Budget, as of December 2023, the County had utilized just Sh151 million out of the allocated Sh3.7 billion for development in the fiscal year 2022/23, representing a mere 2.9 percent expenditure.

Sameta Mokwerero Ward Representative Sonye Ondari, in contrast, stated that Kisii wasn’t in as dire a situation as indicated by the Budget controller.

“It is skewed and lacks facts. Otherwise, there is much going on that has not been reported,” he stated.

Lilian Gor, another nominee, deemed the governor’s response to the low score unfortunate.

” If it doesn’t bother him, it does to some of us and that is what brought us here to the assembly,” Gor told journalists.

Masimba MCA Bouse Mairura said:

“The roads were to be done by February but if you go round many are yet to be done,”, said Mairura.

Arati to Appear Before Senators Over Development Funds Absorption – Onyonka