Drama As Kirinyaga Woman Rep, Senator Storm Police Station Over Release Of Chief Accused Of Defiling Minor

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Drama As Kirinyaga Woman Rep, Senator Storm Police Station Over Release Of Chief Accused Of Defiling Minor

On February 23, leaders from Kirinyaga, along with residents of Ndia Constituency, staged demonstrations to express their dissatisfaction with the release of a local chief who had been accused of impregnating a minor.

In an online video, demonstrators proceeded towards Baricho Police Station, calling for the removal of the police chief.

In an interview with Gossipa2z, Jane Njeri Maina, the Woman Representative for Kirinyaga, asserted that the chief had been arrested on three occasions, with the most recent incident occurring on February 21st.

Maina, David Mathenge, the Member of County Assembly (MCA) for Baragwi, and Senator Kamau Murango from Kirinyaga, are calling for justice on behalf of the victim and her family. They are raising concerns about the release of the accused chief from police custody.

“We are displeased by how this case has unfolded and we thus proceeded to follow up and seek clarification on why the chief was released. Various activists including the Federation of Women Lawyers in Kenya (FIDA) accompanied us,” Njeri Maina stated. 

Maina and Murango were instructed by police officers at Baricho station to go to the Kirinyaga West Sub-county Police Commander, where they discovered that the chief had been released on a police bond of Ksh30,000.

However, the Member of Parliament asserted that the defendant has a history of similar cases that remain unresolved in the legal system. In this specific instance, the accusation is that he compelled a 13-year-old high school girl to undergo an abortion, thereby jeopardizing her life.


The family of the girl lodged a missing person report at Baricho Police Station, citing OB numbers 19/21/02/2024 and 17/20/02/2024. Additionally, they alleged that the chief had assaulted the girl’s sister.

“The chief has now been arrested again and will be produced in court on Monday for assaulting the sister of the missing minor. 

“I have the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) and FIDA on board. I will also be watching the matter,” Njeri Maina further told Gossipa2z. 

In a connected incident, the Nyandarua High Court cleared two chiefs and an assistant on Thursday. They had been charged alongside four former GSU officers for the alleged murder of a woman during a raid on establishments involved in the sale of illegal alcohol.

The leaders were reportedly with the ex-police officers in implementing measures against the production of illegal alcohol in Laikipia.

During the delivery of the ruling, Justice Charles Kariuki remarked that the court had established with certainty that the four officers had a deliberate intention to cause harm to the woman during the raid.

IPOA, the Independent Policing Oversight Authority, commended the verdict that found four former police officers stationed at Majiwa camp guilty.

Drama As Kirinyaga Woman Rep, Senator Storm Police Station Over Release Of Chief Accused Of Defiling Minor