HomeNewsAnti-Riot Police Teargas Kenyans Celebrating Raila's Birthday in Nairobi CBD(Video)

Anti-Riot Police Teargas Kenyans Celebrating Raila’s Birthday in Nairobi CBD(Video)

Anti-Riot Police Teargas Kenyans Celebrating Raila’s Birthday in Nairobi CBD

Officers drawn from the National Police Anti-Riot Unit fired live bullets in the air to disperse a crowd that had gathered in Nairobi’s Central Business District (CBD).

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Communications Director Peter Etale, while speaking to PoliticalPulseChat on Sunday, indicated that the crowd had gathered at the National Archives to celebrate former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s 79th birthday.

“Police in anti-riot gear has attacked peaceful Kenyans outside the National Archives as they were celebrating Raila Odinga’s birthday,” read the statement in part.

“They lobbed tear-gas canisters and shot live bullets in the air. They were led by OCPD for Central.”

Etale further indicated that the officers, who claimed they were acting under instructions from above, were shooting at anyone on site.

It is, however, still unclear whether anyone sustained injuries during the commotion.

“We can’t tell (whether anyone is injured) because they were just shooting at anyone and everyone on site. The intention was just to scuttle the whole thing.


“You know people were just peaceful. The citizens were waiting to cut the cake, celebrate, and eat then they went. But the police officers just came and said they got orders from above.”

The Nairobi CBD celebrations coincided with a grand cake-cutting ceremony that the opposition leader held in Malindi, Kilifi County.

Raila first visited the Malindi Orphanage where he was joined by children to mark his 79th birthday after which he proceeded to cut the cake.

The overriding message at his ceremony was a push at President William Ruto to lower his appetite for taxing Kenyans.

The event was attended by Raila’s wife Idah Odinga and Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir as well as Senators Stewart Mwadzayo and Hamida Kibwana.

MPs Zamzam Mohamed (Mombasa Women Rep), Gertrude Mbeyu (Kilifi Women Rep), Rashid Bedzimba (Kisauni), Omar Mwinyi (Changamwe), Mishi Mboko (Likoni), Ken Chonga (Kilifi South), Harrison Kombe (Magarini), Antony Oluoch (Mathare), Assembly Speakers Aharub Shatri (Mombasa) and Teddy Mwambire (Kilifi) were also in attendance.

Anti-Riot Police Teargas Kenyans Celebrating Raila’s Birthday in Nairobi CBD