Kenyans Raise Ksh 320K In 24 Hours For Woman With 33,000 Debt

HomeNewsKenyans Raise Ksh 320K In 24 Hours For Woman With 33,000 Debt

Kenyans Raise Ksh 320K In 24 Hours For Woman With 33,000 Debt

People in Kenya united and collected Ksh320,000 within a day to assist a woman facing difficulties in paying off Ksh33,500 in overdue rent.

The donations reached their peak following a Facebook message shared by Philanthropist Ndungu Nyoro on Friday, December 15th.

“This is the amount I have woken up to. My faith is fired up, my soul has found rest. So many messages of encouragement, and support from all over,” the woman commented shortly after sharing a message of the total contributions.

The hardship of the unmarried mother, aged 34, commenced when she moved from her home in Nairobi to a rural area to reduce costs related to rent and other expenses. Nevertheless, this move led her into a state of depression, grappling persistently with thoughts of taking her own life.

“I went to bed suicidal and woke up convinced it was my only way out. My life has been crippled with misfortune, one after the other,” the lady confessed in the conversations that were doing rounds on Facebook.

What caused her the greatest distress was the fact that she used to be a dependable contributor to society, supporting her family while residing and working in Nairobi.

Yet, in 2021, she received a cancer diagnosis, requiring her parents to sell all their valuable possessions to gather funds for her treatment.


The illness returned a year later, exacerbating her financial limitations as she invested more money in her recuperation.

Following her recovery from cancer, she chose to conceive her first son using a non-traditional method of pregnancy, a choice that her church disapproved of due to her unmarried status.

Allegedly, the church excluded the woman, leading her to raise her son without their support. Yet, the responsibility became overwhelming, causing her difficulties in covering her overdue rent.

“I feel like I will be more valuable to my son when am gone than alive. At least people will help him. My life has been full of pain, tears, and loneliness,” she stated in one of her conversations a day later.

After making one-time payments, the woman expressed her determination to persist in assisting her son instead of abandoning her support.

“I woke up, looked at my son, and told him we would be fine. Your followers are such amazing people. I promise I will work so hard and pay it forward. I do not take anything for granted,” she appreciated.

Kenyans Raise Ksh 320K In 24 Hours For Woman With 33,000 Debt