Azimio Condemns Arrest of Controller of Budget Margaret Nyakang’o

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Azimio Condemns Arrest of Controller of Budget Margaret Nyakang’o

Some Azimio politicians have raised doubts about the reasons behind the apprehension of Margaret Nyakango, the Controller of Budget.

Under the guidance of Narok County Senator Ledama Ole Kina, the leaders voiced their dissatisfaction regarding the situation, stating that the arrest reflects poorly on Kenya’s democracy and highlights the corruption within the system.

“Welcome to Kenya where the police take action on a complaint 7 years later … only crooks can survive in a rotten system.” Ole Kina remarked in a statement. 

Ole Kina detected malicious intent and urged the Kenya Kwanza government to revise the constitution, suggesting the elimination of the Controller of Budget’s (CoB’s) office instead of resorting to deceitful methods to hinder her efforts.

“You don’t arrest the Controller of Budget her job is clearly defined in the constitution. If you have a problem with her role to oversee the implementation of the budgets amend the constitution” Ledama remarked in a statement.

From his perspective, Caleb Amisi, the Member of Parliament representing Saboti, saw the arrest as a form of political victimization aimed at pressuring her to cease uncovering government corruption.

“She has been at the forefront of fighting corruption that is deeply embedded in both the central government and county government. We must celebrate stern astute women” Amisi stated.

Outside the Azimio circles, Ekuru Aukot, the leader of the Third Way Alliance, expressed his belief that the arrest would damage the reputation of the National Police Service (NPS) and depict it as a body being exploited to promote political motives.


“A clear case of politicizing the investigative agencies. This action erodes public confidence in the police service.” Aukot remarked.

The controller of budget was arrested on Tuesday in Mombasa, she is waiting to be arraigned in court

When posting their opinions on the internet, numerous onlookers connected the challenges faced by the COB to a speech in which she alleged that certain high-ranking government officials within the Treasury were involved in organized corruption schemes tied to budget allocations.

When Nyakang’o addressed the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO), she disclosed that the National Treasury had increased her salary budget threefold, yet the additional amount was never deposited into her account.

“When I was doing the budget for consolidated funds services, this is where my salary is paid from, I found out that my salary was budgeted at three times what I’m paid. I am the only state officer in my institution so there is nothing like confusion there,” she said.

Azimio Condemns Arrest of Controller of Budget Margaret Nyakang’o