Meru residents collect signatures to send home Kawira Mwangaza and MCAs

HomePOLITICSMeru residents collect signatures to send home Kawira Mwangaza and MCAs

Meru residents collect signatures to send home Kawira Mwangaza and MCAs

A coalition of Meru residents and civil society members has initiated the collection of signatures to place Governor Kawira Mwangaza’s county government on suspension.

On Monday, rights activist Mr. David Karani stated that the current state of affairs, in which leaders are incessantly wrangling, was not conducive to progress.

“It’s unfair for residents because nothing is going on in Meru. There is also a lot of money being spent on impeachment cases and we cannot allow this to continue. We want the president to hear the call of the Meru residents and suspend the county,” he said.

The county assembly and Governor Mwangaza have been embroiled in ceaseless disputes, during which the ward representatives have attempted to remove her from office twice in less than a year without success.

Furthermore, twelve executives in Ms. Mwangaza’s administration have been pledged to be removed by the legislature, a move that is likely to paralyze her administration.

Previously expressing her support for the suspension, the governor stated that attempts to reconcile with the MCAs had been fruitless.

Residents of Nkubu, Imenti South, expressed their weariness with the disputes between the governor and MCAS while speaking during the exercise and requested that President William Ruto suspend the devolved unit.

Mr. James Kinoti stated that leaders have engaged in nothing but politics and conflict since the elections on August 9 of last year, to the detriment of the electorate.

“We want to go back to the ballot and elect new leaders because the current ones have let us down. Let them go home,” he said.


Mr. Simon Kiambi, an MCA for Kiagu who has consistently backed the governor, affixed his signature to the document on Monday as well.

“We have failed the people of Meru as leaders and I call upon the president to suspend the county so that we seek a fresh mandate,” Mr Kiambi said.

A former MCA for Nkuene, Mr. Nick Mburugu, stated that the exercise would be conducted in every region of the county to ensure that every area was adequately represented.

“We will go to all the sub-counties until we get all the signatories required to suspend the county,” he continued.

Article 192 of the constitution establishes provisions for the suspension of a county in the event of an emergency or for other compelling reasons.

A minimum of ten percent of duly enrolled voters are obligated to affix their signatures to a petition addressed to the President. In Meru, where there are 780,000 registered electors, the initiative’s proponents will need 78,000 signatures.

Meru residents collect signatures to send home Kawira Mwangaza and MCAs