Storm in UDA as rival camps flex muscles in Nairobi County Assembly

HomeNewsStorm in UDA as rival camps flex muscles in Nairobi County Assembly

Storm in UDA as rival camps flex muscles in Nairobi County Assembly

Power wrangles have rocked President William Ruto-led UDA party at the Nairobi county assembly.

The push and pull have seen the UDA party divided into two factions, both eyeing top leadership positions in the Assembly.

At the center of the wrangles is an alleged impeachment plan of a senior County official and the involvement of a senior State official in the affairs of the county assembly.

As it stands, UDA Secretary General Cleophas Malala has already convened a crisis meeting on Thursday to address the simmering tension among the rival camps.

In the meeting, Malala said the legislators will have a platform to iron out their grievances and the party will settle on what the leaders will want.

“I hereby convene a physical meeting to discuss, deliberate, build consensus, and address the complaints raised in the presence of all elected and nominated MCAs of the Nairobi county assembly under the UDA party on October 26, 2023, at 10 am,” reads a letter by Malala.

Earlier on Monday, Malala made changes to the senior leadership of the party after 35 MCAs appended their signatures in support of leadership changes.


In his communication, Waithaka MCA Antony Kiragu and MCA Mark Mugambi were ejected as Minority leader and Minority whip respectively.

The changes saw South B MCA Waither Chege appointed as Minorty leader.

Waithera was to be deputized by Deonysias Mwangi (Guthurai MCA).

Umoja One MCA Mugambi was said to be replaced by Nominated MCA Joyce Muthoni as Minority whip.

Muthoni was to be deputized by Clay MCA Samora Mwaura as her deputy.

Malala later in the day changed tune and said the status quo remained as the County Assembly Speaker had not effected the changes.

However, he did not issue a statement revoking his earlier communication on the change of leadership at the Assembly.

Malala said he had received claims that some signatures might have been forged.

He warned that the party would take action against those MCAs found to have forged signatures.

“If there were any issues on forgery, people will be held responsible. This is a matter of integrity and we will take disciplinary measures against people involved,” Malala added.

Impeachment claims

One UDA faction led by embattled minority leader Antony Kiragu ( Waithaka) and Mark Mugambi ( Umoja One) accused a senior official at the county executive of being behind a push to impeach Governor Johnson Sakaja from office.

MCA Kiragu also claimed that the senior county official is working with some leaders at the National Assembly and National government to send Sakaja home.

“We are shareholders in this party and I want to categorically say that Governor Sakaja is going nowhere. I have been personally approached to turn against the Governor but Sakaja is a UDA member and I stand with him,” he stated.

The UDA legislator claimed that the officials who are part of the government have chosen to fight the governor using his projects

“They fight everything including the good policies like Dishi na County. The sad thing is that they have made this fight personal. We want to send a clear message that no form of intimidation will scare us. We will support Sakaja and no impeachment will sail through,” said Kiragu

Not giving up

Umoja One MCA Mark Mugambi claimed that some members had their signatures forged to attain the threshold.

He accused his counterparts of using members from Azimio to coerce UDA members to sign the list of leadership changes.

“The era of forcing leadership on members is over. As MCAs we shall choose our leaders,” Mugambi said.

The second term MCA vowed to put up a fight and defend his minority whip seat.

“We know the end game is to impeach the Governor but that shall not work. and we will defend our positions and let the MCAs decide the leaders they want,” Mugambi added. 

Oversighting Sakaja

The other faction led by South B MCAs has said they are best fit to put Sakaja’s administration in check.

They accused their counterparts of putting self-interest before the needs of Nairobi residents.

Waithera said that the current administration has not shown any interest in bringing solutions to problems facing ordinary city residents.

“Our people have already told us what they want the government to address. We want to see results not rhetoric. Payment of huge legal fees and harassment of traders by county askaris can never be the people’s priority,” she said.

The second term MCA added that the executive was not implementing what the grounds needs

Waithera at the same time said some officers in the current regime have been a hindrance towards the realisation of ward development.

“We implore Governor Sakaja to take a personal interest in this matter and ensure that projects are procured on time and implemented,” she said.

Neutral position

UDA SG emphasized that the party’s secretariat will not take sides in the leadership wrangles but will listen and let members decide.

“On Thursday we shall know the legitimate leadership and as a party, we shall stand with whoever members choose,” Malala said.

Storm in UDA as rival camps flex muscles in Nairobi County Assembly