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HomeNews45 Hired Goons Kill One, Orders Residents to Vacate Estate

45 Hired Goons Kill One, Orders Residents to Vacate Estate

45 Hired Goons Kill One, Orders Residents to Vacate Estate

One person was confirmed dead and others severely injured on the morning of Thursday, March 21, after an attack in Kitengela, Kajiado County.

The 1 am attack was carried out by about 45 unknown goons who are believed to have been hired to evict them from the piece of land.

“We have been fighting for this land for so long, these people want to come and take over the piece of land for free,” a resident told the press.

According to the residents, the attackers arrived using boda bodas and matatus armed with crude weapons causing tension among the locals. The goons violently beat up the locals forcing them to call for help.

After officers from the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) heard the cry for help, they rushed to the scene and managed to drive away some of the suspects.

The officers however arrested a few of the suspects, and recovered six motorcycles, stolen solar panels, and Ksh149,000 from the gang leader.


Per one of the suspects, they were promised Ksh2,000 after completing the task. He however did not reveal the person behind the heinous attack.

Besides the loss of life, the goons also caused damage to property and stole a few possessions from the locals. One resident stated that the goons tore down some houses.

“The goons came at night and ambushed homes located in the goat and sheep land. They say that an unknown person has sent them to destroy our homes and claim the land,” another resident stated.

Following the attack, those injured were rushed to local hospitals for emergency medical care. as police commenced investigations.

The Athi River South Sub County Police Commander Jos Mudavadi told the press that the process had begun to charge and arraign those suspects who were arrested with robbery with violence.

Cases of violent land grabbers across the country have been on the rise with the government led by the Ministry of Lands asking those occupying grabbed land to vacate.

45 Hired Goons Kill One, Orders Residents to Vacate Estate