10 Weight Loss Tricks That Make You Gain Weight
We’re inundated with weight-loss tips on how to drop pounds fast, whether we read it in a magazine, saw it on Instagram, or heard it from our best friend’s sister.
Some advice is bad for you and can cause you to gain weight.
Here are ten weight-loss tips that will actually cause you to gain weight:
Eat no later than 7 p.m.
The time you stop eating has no bearing on how much weight you gain or lose.
What matters is the number of calories you consume each day.
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Instead of setting a time limit for yourself to stop eating, set a daily calorie limit for yourself.
Losing weight requires only cardio.
While a 30-minute run will burn approximately 270 calories, cardio alone is not the best use of your time.
Include strength training because having muscle increases your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories.
Weigh yourself daily to stay on track
You’re 140 on Monday, 139 on Tuesday, and 141 on Wednesday! These fluctuations are caused by how much water you retain or the last time you had a bowel movement.
Although they are completely normal, they can be extremely discouraging and even make you feel less motivated to eat that salad for lunch or work out at 7 p.m.
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Because slow and steady weight loss wins the race, once-a-week scale visits are sufficient.
However, you should also keep track of your progress by considering your energy levels, fitness endurance, and how your clothes fit.
You don’t have to watch what you eat as long as you exercise.
That 30- to 60-minute workout does not give you permission to binge on pizza and cookies all day.
Portion control is essential because if you consume more calories than you burn, you will gain weight.
Eliminate all carbohydrates.
While eliminating bread, pasta, rice, baked goods, and fruit may help you lose weight quickly, certified dietitian Leslie Langevin, MS, RD, CD of Whole Health Nutrition says you can’t and shouldn’t do it because carbs are what your body requires for energy.
Instead of saying “no” to all carbs, limit your intake and choose complex carbs like quinoa and barley, whole wheat bread and pasta, and an actual orange instead of orange juice (the fiber will fill you up longer).
Skip meals to save calories
This appears to be effective, but your body is astute. If you don’t eat, your body stores fat for later use as energy, making weight loss impossible.
Instead of skipping a meal, eat smaller, more frequent meals to ensure you’re burning off the calories you consume.
Replace regular soda with diet soda.
While artificial sweeteners are lower in calories, Leslie claims that they are just as addictive as regular sweeteners, leading to cravings for more sweets.
Fruit-infused waters or herbal teas are far healthier, and if you crave something sweet, eat a piece of fruit.
Consume low-fat foods.
Low-fat diets were popular in the 1990s, but we now know that eating healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, and nuts “can help us to increase our metabolic rate and lose more weight than a low-fat diet.”
Keep a pair of jeans one size too small on hand for motivation.
That is simply cruel.
Positive reinforcement is far more motivating, so reward yourself with a relaxing yoga class or manicure every time you lose five or ten pounds.
To lose more weight, do sweaty workouts in heated rooms.
You’ll lose a pound or more if you weigh yourself before and after a sweaty workout like hot yoga or a SoulCycle class.
But you’re not losing fat; you’re losing water weight.
How much you sweat does not indicate how many calories you burn.
Instead, concentrate on the duration and intensity of the workout.