10 Bad Habits That Are Ruining Your Nails. Some people favor neat, bare nails because they go well with most appearances. However, a lot of regulars at the salon were caught without Manis and nail care. Your nails may currently appear brittle, dry, flaky, or yellowed. Don’t panic; we’re here to help you learn how to strengthen your nails so they once again feel and look healthy.
1.Nail biting
This is a bad habit that many individuals have, and it frequently occurs while you’re under stress or anxiety. This can lead to open sores on the fingers and uneven, stubby nails, as well as the transmission of microorganisms from your hands to your mouth. In both of these cases, they can give you a cold. Our remedy? Enamel them. If you paint your nails, you’ll be less likely to bite down and damage your manicure. The taste of that clear nail polish will discourage you if you want to put color.

2.Too much cuticle trimming
It’s a typical practice in many manicures to trim your cuticles. Cuticle oil, which softens skin and facilitates the pushing process, is an alternative to using a cuticle cutter to push cuticles down. Our cuticles are our friends, not enemies, so utilizing a cuticle remover is healthier for fragile nails!

3.Too many acrylic or gel manicures
They look fantastic, last longer, and are durable for people who work with their hands. However, you must polish these materials to make them stick, which frequently thins off the nail to a dangerous level.
Additionally, you have to essentially wash them in acetone to remove them, which leaves your nails looking like bare wood.

4.Applying harmful polish
You must expressly ask for organic polish these days because the ingredients can be frightening. Formaldehyde, which embalms dead people, is listed among the ingredients on the back of your typical bottle. Always search for polishes that are 3/4/5 free if you can (lacking certain chemicals).

5.Removing polish
You should only ever remove nail polish with nail polish remover, according to this rule. While it may be tempting for many of us to take off our nail polish, doing so actually destroys the top layer. This may result in thin, fragile nails. If you can’t help but want to take your manicure off, think about investing in portable polish remover wipes.

6.Bad diet
There you have itโthe explanation for why you consume a lot of junk food and have weak nails. Nails are nourished by blood flow, so if you eat well, your skin, hair, and nails will all be healthy-looking. Your nails won’t ever be strong if you consume a lot of sugar (looking at you, Coke and strawberry daiquiris).regardless of how many manicures you receive. Instead, drink plenty of water, eat a lot of leafy greens, and take a biotin pill.

7.Utilizing instruments with claws rather than fingers
The delicate nature of nails makes them unsuitable for heavy lifting. However, some individuals believe that using their nails rather than their fingers is acceptable while pulling up zippers or opening beverage tabs. Utilize your fingers because nails are easily breakable and bendable. With a very lengthy manicure, it could be challenging to achieve this position, but you can begin practicing right away!
8.Using no gloves while doing the dishes
When your nails are overexposed to water, they expand, which causes your nail polish to chip more quickly. Additionally, it weakens nails because they are so delicate. The size of nail cells changes regularly. Consider using jojoba oil on your nails after a shower. And always use gloves when doing the dishes.

9.Alternating between nail filing
Instead of sweeping the file across the nail in two directions, file nails in one direction. The nails are divided by this sawing behavior, which makes them shatter more easily. Instead, form the nail by moving the file over the tip in a single direction. As you file, keep the fail flat on the nail’s tip.

10.Not providing enough hand hydration
Nails that are dry and cracked are caused by dry hands. Carry hand cream with you to address this, and you’ll notice that your manicures last longer and stay glossier. This will eventually establish a barrier of protection that protects both dryness and allergens