Why I Met MP Silvanus Osoro – Kasmuel McOure

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Why I Met MP Silvanus Osoro – Kasmuel McOure

Activist Kasmuel McOure has released a statement following his meeting with South Mugirango MP Silvanus Osoro.

McOure, known for his advocacy on youth-related issues, has gained public attention through his involvement in the Gen Z protests, which aim to push for societal reforms.

On Wednesday, September 18, photos of McOure and Osoro engaging at the United Kenya Club Hotel quickly went viral on the social media platform X, stirring mixed reactions.

This prompted McOure to publicly clarify the encounter, explaining that he frequently visits the hotel and that Osoro is just one of the many individuals he interacts with during his visits.

McOure emphasized that this was his first meeting with Osoro and used the opportunity to directly address the government’s shortcomings.

“I visit that members’ club regularly and engage with many Kenyans. The Majority Whip is one of them. It was my first time meeting him, and I took the chance to tell him in person what I’d said online: Their government has fundamentally failed us. From extrajudicial killings to broken promises on services, and a blatant disregard for the rule of law,” McOure posted on X.

He also expressed that his role shouldn’t be limited to protest action, highlighting his passion for leadership and representing disadvantaged youth.


“My critics online have often reduced me to just protests as if my leadership ends there. But I refuse to be dismissed as someone who’s meant to die in the streets. Every chance I get to speak truth to power, I will take it.”

McOure explained that his influence is built on representing marginalized youth, emphasizing that their struggles need broader attention.

“The influence I carry is in service to underprivileged youth across the country. It’s also for the families of those who marched with me and never came back. I wish we’d focus on those moments and amplify that conversation,” he added.

In conclusion, McOure vowed to intensify his door-to-door civic education efforts in pursuit of political change.

“If civic education, according to the online world, means holding rallies, we’ll begin this week, ensuring no community—whether virtual or physical—is left behind. We’ll continue our door-to-door campaigns, bringing civic education to markets and bus stations. We will drain this swamp and take political power,” he concluded.

Why I Met MP Silvanus Osoro – Kasmuel McOure