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HomePOLITICSWho Will be the Next Kisii Deputy Governor After Robert Monda's Ouster?

Who Will be the Next Kisii Deputy Governor After Robert Monda’s Ouster?

Who Will be the Next Kisii Deputy Governor After Robert Monda’s Ouster?

The quest for the next deputy governor of Kisii has escalated, with multiple individuals being proposed to fill the position left vacant by the impeachment of Dr. Robert Monda.

Prominent figures among those mentioned are Richard Tong’i, the former Nyaribari Chache MP, Hilary Nyaanga, James Kenani, and Eric Obino, a seasoned journalist who transitioned into politics.

Based on clan calculations that heavily favored Governor Simba Arati in the 2022 elections, it is determined that the deputy governor position rightfully belongs to the Abanyaribari community in the influential Nyaribari region.

Dr. Monda originates from Nyaribari Chache and previously served as the local MP until Mr. Tong’i succeeded him. Mr. Tong’i, representing the Jubilee Party and affiliated with the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition, lost in the recent elections to Zaheer Jhanda from President William Ruto’s United Democratic Party (UDA).

Mr. Kenani, previously the chairman of the Kenya Pipeline Company, secured third place in the election representing the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM). Following him was Mr. Obino, a newcomer to elective politics, running under the Kanu ticket, which is part of the Azimio coalition.

According to an insider familiar with the situation, a gathering of Kisii MCAs convened in Nairobi yesterday for discussions, followed by a meeting with Governor Arati, aimed at identifying potential candidates to replace Dr. Monda.

Dr. Monda was removed from his position last Thursday following a vote by the majority of senators to support his impeachment, which had been initiated by the Kisii County Assembly.

The Nairobi gathering aims to finalize a name to be proposed to a broader assembly of MCAs today, with plans to formally introduce it in the assembly tomorrow.

“There is an urgent search for a new deputy governor as there is a feeling that Dr Monda could head to court for a stay order to forestall any plans to fill the vacant position,” added the source.


In 2019, the Supreme Court ruled that governors must select a deputy within 14 days, following which the county assembly will have 60 days to vote on whether to approve or deny the nominee.

Dr. Monda’s only recourse to salvage his job is through the court, yet even then, the ousting could only be overturned based on procedural issues.

“If people think I can do the job, then why not? I am ready to serve the people given an opportunity,” said Mr Obino.

Mr Tong’i is seen to be one of the frontrunners for the vacancy.

Governor Arati garnered a substantial vote count from Nyaribari. Additionally, the influence of clan affiliation was pivotal in the distribution of top positions, resulting in Governor Arati, belonging to the broader Ababasi clan, having to select a running mate from the Abanyaribari clan.

The major clans in Kisii County are the Abagetutu, Abanyaribari, Ababasi, Abanchari, Abamachoge, and Abagirango.

Mr. Arati strategically selected Dr. Monda as his vice-presidential candidate to neutralize the influence of his main competitor, Mr. Ezekiel Machogu (currently serving as the Education Cabinet Secretary), who hails from Nyaribari Masaba. This move aims to secure the support of the 157,146 Nyaribari votes.

His additional rival, who previously served as the Kisii senator, Prof Sam Ongeri, originates from the same area. Mr. Arati also enlisted the support of Senator Richard Onyonka from the Abagetutu community, which is recognized as the largest clan in the county. Former governor Ongwae also comes from the Abagetutu clan.

Elections in the area are frequently swayed by familial affiliations, prompting candidates vying for different positions to be mindful of navigating the influence of clans.

In 2013, 2017, and 2022, ODM secured victory in all three major county positions. The party introduced a power-sharing arrangement ensuring representation for every clan within the county.

In 2013, Abagetutu assumed the governorship, the senatorial position was taken by Ababasi, the deputy governor hailed from Abamachoge, Abanchari represented as the woman representative, and the Speaker hailed from the Abanyaribari community.

In 2017, the Abagetutu and Abamachoge retained their positions, with the Abagirango securing the Speaker’s role and Ababasi winning the woman representative seat.

The Abanyaribari secured the senate seat. In 2022, the Ababasi won the governorship, the Abanyaribari attained the position of Director-General, the Abagetutu claimed the senatorial position, the Abanchari secured the role of woman representative, and the Speaker’s position went to the Abamachoge.

Who Will be the Next Kisii Deputy Governor After Robert Monda’s Ouster?