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HomePOLITICSWamuchomba- I won't be intimidated, I'm ready to lose my seat 

Wamuchomba- I won’t be intimidated, I’m ready to lose my seat 

Wamuchomba- I won’t be intimidated, I’m ready to lose my seat 

Gathoni Wamuchomba, the Member of Parliament for Githunguri, asserted her fearlessness in potentially losing her position during her address at the Limuru III conference. She stated that she has faced significant intimidation. Wamuchomba declared her determination to spearhead the fight for the interests of the people of Mt Kenya.

“I have faced considerable intimidation,” affirmed Wamuchomba.

Additionally, the Githunguri MP implored Martha Karua, the leader of the Narc Kenya party, to recognize that Uhuru is the guardian of the people of Mt Kenya.

She stated, “I contacted former President Uhuru Kenyatta and asked for forgiveness.”


Wamuchomba asserted that Uhuru urged her to advocate for the community’s interests.

“I approached Uhuru Kenyatta and asked for forgiveness, and he urged me to persist in championing the region’s interests,” she disclosed.

Amos Mwago, the Starehe MP, emphasized the community’s interests as crucial.

He urged leaders to unify and articulate a collective stance.

Former Laikipia Governor Nderitu Muriithi and Jubilee Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni, among others, were also in attendance.

Wamuchomba- I won’t be intimidated, I’m ready to lose my seat