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HomeNewsVibrant Homa Bay Pastor's Hilarious Prayer Wows President Ruto and Governors(Video)

Vibrant Homa Bay Pastor’s Hilarious Prayer Wows President Ruto and Governors(Video)

Vibrant Homa Bay Pastor’s Hilarious Prayer Wows President Ruto and Governors

A religious leader assigned to conduct prayers at the Homa Bay County International Investment Conference amused VIPs with his eloquent and language-rich prayer.

The preacher, named Raphael Obego, began the prayer without delay, using elaborate language and carefully articulating each word.

“King of Kings and Lord of Lords, he who dwells in the Heavenlies above… Hallowed be they name today and forever more…” he started pompously.

Following that, events escalated rapidly as the religious leader led the audience in an intense prayer session, skillfully delivering one powerful expression after another. In no time, he managed to evoke subdued laughter from the attending leaders, including President William Ruto.

“It has behooved you to spare our lives… We are gathered here for this conglomeration…” he continued.

“Father as we begin, we invoke your presence in our midst, we pray for a moment of (indecipherable)… A moment of a brouhaha, a moment that is going to occur into a quantum leap…”

As he approached the peak of his summoning, the intensity heightened, with the language growing more elaborate and the presentation adopting an increasingly rhetorical style.

Intent on leaving the audience utterly flabbergasted, Obego dove even deeper, finishing: “May you keep at bay, every single jungle maneuvers that may be orchestrated by the devil…”

“For this is my sincere circumambulation, for I supplicate in the name of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…”


As President William Ruto approached the conclusion of the prayer, laughter filled the air as both Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga and Kirinyaga Governor Ann Waiguru couldn’t contain their amusement, particularly noticeable in the infectious giggles of the latter.

Following the widespread circulation of the video on the X platform, Kenyans couldn’t contain their amusement. Numerous individuals went as far as urging the clergyman to perform a similar prayer for the well-being of the nation.

While sharing the video, X user Henry Kabogo said, “Raphael Obego, please pray for KPLC, eCitizen, and JKIA…”

Another user agreed, adding, “When you are given the podium, ensure everyone will remember you!”

Someone else seemed to suggest that the grammar was too heavy even for the Lord, remarking, “Hii sasa itabidi Mungu aite William Shakespeare amsaidie ku translate juu wuuueh!”

During the event, Ann Waiguru, the Governor of Kirinyaga, impressed the audience by casually incorporating several Luo words into her speech.

Before commencing her speech, Governor Waiguru initiated a warm exchange with the crowd, starting by saying ‘Opak Ruoth’ which loosely translates to Praise God in Dholuo.

Waiguru continued to sprinkle her speech with more Luo phrases, including “ungima” (Are you okay) and “amosou”(I greet you),” further endearing herself to the audience.

Vibrant Homa Bay Pastor’s Hilarious Prayer Wows President Ruto and Governors