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HomeNewsUniversity of Nairobi Students Ordered to Access Services Via eCitizen

University of Nairobi Students Ordered to Access Services Via eCitizen

University of Nairobi Students Ordered to Access Services Via eCitizen

The University of Nairobi (UON) has instructed students to make payments for their meals using the government’s eCitizen platform.

In a notification addressing 12 kitchens within the organization, the administration stated that the modifications align with the Government’s guidelines concerning service payments.

“The gov’t has mandated that all payments to the University of Nairobi be made through the eCitizen platform. Complying with this directive, the university has come up with systems to allow clients to make payments,” the notice reads. 

Governor Ramesh Saxena of the Faculty of Health Sciences clarified to Gossipa2z that the service is complimentary, despite online rumors suggesting a Ksh50 service fee.

“There are no extra charges. The first day it was rolled out I did not pay for any extra cost,” Saxena, a student leader stated. 

“We are using the pay bill system, the only difference is it’s a government pay bill, to centralize the payments.” 

As per newly implemented payment systems facilitating clients, students will now need to utilize the government’s designated pay bill number instead of the previous ones for making essential payments.

“Go to M-Pesa, select the Lipa na M-Pesa’s Pay Bill option, use the Pay Bill number 222222, and enter the account number based on the kitchen outlet’s identifier name,” the notice instructs. 


Afterward, the purchaser will proceed to enter the payment amount for the meal and enter their PIN, transferring the funds to a centralized pay bill.

The new system incorporates various kitchens, such as Upper Kabete Kitchen, Kikuyu Kitchen located at the Kikuyu Campus, Kenya Science Kitchen situated at the main campus, Kenyatta Medical School Kitchen at the Kenyatta National Hospital Campus, Comcare Cafe at the KNH Campus, and Central Catering Unit at the main campus.

Kitchen One was situated adjacent to the Students Clinic, the Women’s Hall Kitchen was located nearby, Mamlaka Kitchen was positioned along Mamlaka Road, Chiromo Kitchen was situated at the Chiromo Campus, Parklands Kitchen was at the Parklands Campus, and Lower Kabete Kitchen was situated at the Lower Kabete Campus.

In 2022, the government introduced a unified payment identification, denoted as the central pay bill number 222222, to serve as a consolidated platform for handling financial transactions across various public institutions.

University of Nairobi Students Ordered to Access Services Via eCitizen