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HomeNewsUK Issues Travel Advisory for Kenya

UK Issues Travel Advisory for Kenya

UK Issues Travel Advisory for Kenya

On Wednesday, May 1, the United Kingdom (UK) revised its travel advisory for Kenya due to the ongoing flooding in the country.

UK nationals were cautioned about the risks of traveling to Kenya at this time and advised those already in the country to be cautious.

“Avoid walking, swimming, or driving through floodwater, plan your journeys carefully, and make sure to follow local guidance,” the advisory read in part.

“Consider contacting your accommodation provider before you travel to check that access is possible.”

In addition to flooding, British nationals were informed about the potential dangers of crime, kidnapping, and terrorist attacks. 

The UK government identified certain areas in Nairobi, such as Eastleigh, CBD, Mathare, and Kibera, as locations with high crime rates where foreigners, including British citizens, could be targeted.


“In Mombasa, the risk is higher in the Old Town and on and around the Likoni Ferry (which links Mombasa to the southern resorts),” the advisory stated further.

The UK government advised against all but essential travel to several areas in Kenya, including the Kenya-Somalia border, Eastern Garissa County, Mandera County, and Lamu County. 

The advisory also covered Tana River County and the coastal region between the Tana River and Galana River.

However, the advisory did not apply to Lamu Island and Manda Island in Lamu County, which were exempt from the travel restrictions.

British nationals were urged to stay informed by following local news to monitor the situation in the country.

The travel advisory was issued shortly after reports of an unknown number of foreigners being stranded by floods in a Kenyan game reserve.

UK Issues Travel Advisory for Kenya