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HomePOLITICSUDA Rift: Susan Kihika vs. Tabitha Karanja Sparks Political Showdown in Nakuru

UDA Rift: Susan Kihika vs. Tabitha Karanja Sparks Political Showdown in Nakuru

UDA Rift: Susan Kihika vs. Tabitha Karanja Sparks Political Showdown in Nakuru

A fierce political feud between Nakuru Governor Susah Kihika and Senator Tabitha Karanja is on the verge of causing a significant rift within the United Democratic Party (UDA).

The conflict between the two leaders has also created a division among their followers in Nakuru County.

The fallout of the two former allies has raised political temperatures in the country.

On Thursday, the intense competition took a different turn when Governor Kihika gave his support to Nakuru East MP David Gikaria, who will be challenging Senator Karanja in the upcoming 2027 General Elections.

In the 2022 General Elections, they ran their campaigns together and were both successfully elected under the UDA ticket.

However, the two individuals have now become adversaries, as their disagreements have escalated into a comprehensive political conflict.

The conflict over land ownership between the county government under Kihika’s leadership and Nakuru War Memorial Hospital has exacerbated the existing differences between the two leaders.

They’ve been involved in an ongoing verbal conflict, where the senator has alleged that the county boss is disregarding court orders, describing it as a potential cause for disorder in the county.

Governor Kihika has dismissed her opponent’s Senate contributions and even pledged her support for Mr. Gikaria in his bid to replace Senator Karanja.

“The only problem I have in Nakuru is that the senator is not pro-devolution. Instead of using her position as is required by the constitution to push for resources for our county, she is busy name calling on social media and summoning MCAs,” Governor Kihika said in London ward on Thursday.

The power struggle among leaders has also divided the leadership within the county.


Governor Kihika initiated the road tarmacking project in the ward on Thursday, joined by MP Gikaria and Nakuru West MP Samuel Arama.

The Senator was accused by two lawmakers of exploiting the Nakuru War Memorial Hospital controversy to enhance her political image in preparation for the upcoming elections.

“What we’re experiencing in Nakuru is like the turbulence that disrupts flights midair. But like an experienced pilot, we know the Governor’s intentions for the people of Nakuru. We’re asking her to continue steering the county and avoid the naysayers,” Mr Gikaria said as he affirmed he was ready to take on the Senator in the 2027 polls.

Senator Karanja expressed worry that Nakuru County disregarded court directives that had halted the devolved unit from assuming control or intervening in the administration of Nakuru War Memorial Hospital. This injunction was to remain in effect until the court had heard and made a decision on the pending lawsuit.

“This signals a worrying trend and it must stop,” Senator Karanja said.

Governor Kihika is currently involved in a political competition with fellow Members of Parliament within the county.

The Members of Parliament claim that the governor’s administration is neglecting their regions and cite disagreements over accusations that she is supporting their political rivals.

The MPs include Paul Chebor (Rongai), Joseph Tanui (Kuresoi South), Jayne Kihara (Naivasha), Martha Wangari (Gilgil) as well as former Bahati MP Kimani Ngunjiri.

The legislators opposing Kihika have introduced a new political group called G7, receiving backing from Senator Karanja.

“We thought she would unite all of us but she has done the opposite. She has been moving around the county demeaning other elected leaders and sowing seeds of discord,” said Kuresoi North MP Alfred Mutai.

MCAs have also been sucked into the Kihika-Karanja feud, with a sizeable number of them rallying behind the Governor.

UDA Rift: Susan Kihika vs. Tabitha Karanja Sparks Political Showdown in Nakuru