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HomeNewsU.S Gov't Offers Kenya Ksh.153 Million For Floods Response

U.S Gov’t Offers Kenya Ksh.153 Million For Floods Response

U.S Gov’t Offers Kenya Ksh.153 Million For Floods Response

The US has promised $153.9 million in aid to support flood relief and response initiatives.

During a visit to the Kenya Red Cross Warehouses, US Ambassador Meg Whitman expressed America’s dedication to assisting Kenya during the challenging period caused by one of the most severe floods in decades.

She mentioned that the funding would significantly aid in offering emergency shelter support, relief items, and hygiene packages to encourage safe and healthy behaviors among those impacted.

“The United States is a committed partner to the Kenyan people, their government, and the Kenya Red Cross Society,” stated Whitman.

“Together, we are working with county governments, donors, the UN, and NGOs to meet the humanitarian needs of the Kenyan people most affected by these floods. While these are unprecedented times, our partnership is unwavering.”


Whitman highlighted the impact of the floods by stating that 500,000 individuals had been impacted, leading to the displacement of more than 100,000 families.

She additionally observed that more than 5 million individuals were experiencing severe food shortages, with 1 million children at risk of severe malnourishment.

Whitman mentioned that among the total of Ksh.153 million, Ksh.38.5 million would be allocated via the Red Cross, with the rest directed to other involved partners addressing the situation.

“The U.S. government is committed to supporting the people of Kenya during this time and has allocated $250,000 of this new $1 million to meet the immediate needs of Kenyans through the Kenya Red Cross Society. The remaining $750,000 will be allocated to additional partners responding to the floods,” she stated.

U.S Gov’t Offers Kenya Ksh.153 Million For Floods Response