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HomeWellbeingThe Psychological Sleight That Tells You What Your Friends Are Thinking

The Psychological Sleight That Tells You What Your Friends Are Thinking

The Psychological Sleight That Tells You What Your Friends Are Thinking. Simply because they choose to maintain contact with you, it’s simple to presume that all of your buddies think well of you.

That is accurate up to a point.

Friends may, however, also hold strongly held beliefs about you that not even they are aware of!
Additionally, a simple psychological exam is one technique to quickly ascertain how people truly feel.

This simple psychological ploy reveals the subliminal impressions your friends have of you.

A humorous technique to try on your pals was recently revealed by Bella Avila, a TikToker.

Simply ask one of your friends in a message, “If I were a color, what color would I be?” to begin this little test.

When hearing the qualities that the people you love to associate with you, Avila advises that you should be emotionally ready for it.
Because, as she claims, this can lead to the termination of friendships.


The significance of your friend saying “yellow”

When asked to choose a hue that best describes you, if yellow is the first color that comes to mind, your friend will likely describe you as dependable, effervescent, and usually upbeat.

The significance of your friend saying “red”

It can surprise you to learn that your buddy thinks you are manipulative if they think red best describes you.
To understand why you might have to dig a little further.

The significance of your friend saying “blue”

Being blue is a positive thing.
You’re impulsive, which makes it enjoyable to hang out with.
Your friend also thinks that you appreciate your friendship with her highly.

The significance of your friend saying “pink”

Being emotionally connected to the hue pink has drawbacks.
Your friend adores your personality but doesn’t consider you to be the most knowledgeable person in the room.
They think you’re a bit ditzy.

The significance of your friend saying “purple”

Purple denotes that your friend is aware of your reliability.
They regard you as a fountain of wisdom as well.

The significance of your friend saying “black”

If your friend thinks of you when they see the color black, you should feel special.
This implies that you and they are more intimately connected than they are with most individuals.

The significance of your friend saying “green”

The carefree attitude is symbolized by the color green.
This implies that your friend thinks you are irresponsible.
However, they do not view these qualities negatively and find them admirable in you.

The significance of your friend saying “white”

Think vanilla or a white canvas when your acquaintance says that the color white comes to mind when they think about who you are.
They think you’re boring and that you’re not trustworthy.

Make sure you send this, Avila says as the video comes to a close. thereafter, so they are aware of how you exposed them.

Although you might be unfamiliar with this psychological ploy, colors have long been a useful tool in psychology, branding, and marketing.

Another technique to gain insight into the human mind is to learn how to use them to make your point or to comprehend how people react to and relate to them.