Babu Owino Claims Ruto-Gachagua Rift a Strategic Ploy to Win Mt. Kenya Sympathy

Babu Owino Claims Ruto-Gachagua Rift a Strategic Ploy to Win Mt. Kenya Sympathy Embakasi East MP Babu Owino asserts that the supposed discord between President...

Funding Dispute: CS Kuria Reveals Details of Ruto-Uhuru Phone Call Over Retirement Benefits

Funding Dispute: CS Kuria Reveals Details of Ruto-Uhuru Phone Call Over Retirement Benefits Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria has revealed details of a phone...

Ruto and Uhuru Hold Talks on Retirement Package Dispute

Ruto and Uhuru Hold Talks on Retirement Package Dispute President William Ruto met with former President Uhuru Kenyatta on Tuesday, June 11, to discuss issues...

Ruto Gets Ksh.5.1B, Gachagua Ksh.4.8B in Ksh.4T Budget Breakdown

Ruto Gets Ksh.5.1B, Gachagua Ksh.4.8B in Ksh.4T Budget Breakdown Parliament has sanctioned a Ksh.4.006 trillion budget, marking a historic high for Kenya. Budget and Appropriations Committee...

Former Governor Waititu Accuses President Ruto of Orchestrating Attacks on Deputy President Gachagua

Former Governor Waititu Accuses President Ruto of Orchestrating Attacks on Deputy President Gachagua On Thursday, former Kiambu County Governor Ferdinand Waititu made a bold claim...

Ruto’s Unprecedented Move: Pastors Lead Haiti Mission After Talks with Gang Leader ‘Barbecue’

Ruto's Unprecedented Move: Pastors Lead Haiti Mission After Talks with Gang Leader 'Barbecue' President William Ruto, in response to the planned multinational mission to Haiti,...

Ugenya MP Warns President Ruto: Your Main Opponent In 2027 Is Not Raila

Ugenya MP Warns President Ruto: Your Main Opponent In 2027 Is Not Raila Ugenya MP David Ochieng’ has cautioned President William Ruto that his primary...

Musalia Mudavadi Announces Merger Talks Between ANC and UDA

Musalia Mudavadi Announces Merger Talks Between ANC and UDA Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi announced on Saturday that his party, Amani National Congress (ANC), is...

President William Ruto Invited to Switzerland Summit on Ukraine Peace Talks

President William Ruto Invited to Switzerland Summit on Ukraine Peace Talks On Friday, the Office of Prime Cabinet Secretary (PCS) Musalia Mudavadi revealed that President...

CS Kuria Accuses Gachagua of Running Fake Accounts in His Name to Attack Ruto

CS Kuria Accuses Gachagua of Running Fake Accounts in His Name to Attack Ruto Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria on Thursday accused Deputy President...

Ruto Dodges UDA Rift at National Prayer Breakfast

Ruto Dodges UDA Rift at National Prayer Breakfast President William Ruto avoided addressing the growing divide within the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) during the National...

UAE Offered Plane to Ruto for US Trip at Less Than Sh10M, State House Reveals

UAE Offered Plane to Ruto for US Trip at Less Than Sh10M, State House Reveals State House clarified that the private plane President William Ruto...
