Mudavadi Heaps High Praise on Raila, Reveals Strategy for AU Chair Race

Mudavadi Heaps High Praise on Raila, Reveals Strategy for AU Chair Race Mudavadi emphasized Raila's capacity to tackle urgent challenges confronting Africa, including resolving conflicts,...

Details of High-Level Denmark Meeting Where Mudavadi Will Represent Ruto

Details of High-Level Denmark Meeting Where Mudavadi Will Represent Ruto Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi is scheduled to arrive in Denmark on Monday, tasked with...

Mudavadi’s ANC Party Roars Against UDA’s Sidelining Tactics

Mudavadi's ANC Party Roars Against UDA's Sidelining Tactics Leaders from Mt. Kenya who support the Amani National Congress (ANC) Party allege that they are being...

Mudavadi Hints at President Ruto Supporting Raila AU Job Bid

Mudavadi Hints at President Ruto Supporting Raila AU Job Bid Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has said East Africa is ready to produce the next...

Chebukati Has The Right To Become Chief Justice, Mudavadi Says

Chebukati Has The Right To Become Chief Justice, Mudavadi Says The Prime Cabinet Secretary and Foreign Affairs CS, Musalia Mudavadi, has criticized opposition leader Raila...

Musalia Mudavadi hints at Ruto-Raila ‘handshake’

Musalia Mudavadi hints at Ruto-Raila 'handshake' Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has suggested the likelihood of a potential reconciliation or agreement between President William Ruto...

Mudavadi Blames Media For Kenya’s Wrangles With East African Countries

Mudavadi Blames Media For Kenya's Wrangles With East African Countries On Sunday, Musalia Mudavadi, the Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary and Prime Cabinet Secretary, accused the...

Kenya Signals Shift on Israel as Mudavadi Condemns ‘Catastrophic’ Loss

Kenya Signals Shift on Israel as Mudavadi Condemns 'Catastrophic' Loss The Kenyan government has signaled a shift in its stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with...

Musalia Mudavadi: Blaming former President Uhuru Kenyatta is ill-advised

Musalia Mudavadi: Blaming former President Uhuru Kenyatta is ill-advised Prime Cabinet Secretary, Musalia Mudavadi, has advised the Kenya Kwanza leadership to focus on keeping promises...

‘Kenyans Are Not Being Over-Taxed’: Mudavadi Defends Government’s Tax Regime

‘Kenyans Are Not Being Over-Taxed’: Mudavadi Defends Government’s Tax Regime Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has stated that the tax system in the nation isn't...

CS Musalia Mudavadi Pleads With Uhuru Over Bipartisan Talks Report

CS Musalia Mudavadi Pleads With Uhuru Over Bipartisan Talks Report Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has pleaded with former president Uhuru Kenyatta to accept the...

Multibillion Scandals That Rocked Kenya Kwanza Administration

Multibillion Scandals That Rocked Kenya Kwanza Administration During the initial year of the Kenya Kwanza government, President William Ruto's leadership has been marred by several...
