Johnson Muthama Denies Rejoining Wiper Party, Affirms Commitment to UDA

Johnson Muthama Denies Rejoining Wiper Party, Affirms Commitment to UDA United Democratic Alliance founding chairman Johnson Muthama has spoken about claims that he has re-joined...

Ruto Allies in Ukambani Reject Kalonzo and Muthama’s Call for UDA-Wiper Talks- Your Time is Up

Ruto Allies in Ukambani Reject Kalonzo and Muthama's Call for UDA-Wiper Talks- Your Time is Up Youthful Ukambani leaders aligned with the Kenya Kwanza coalition...

Political Odd Couple: Kalonzo and Muthama Unite Against Ruto, Plan Kamba Political Declaration Meeting

Political Odd Couple: Kalonzo and Muthama Unite Against Ruto, Plan Kamba Political Declaration Meeting Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and his political rival Johnson Muthama have...
