Revitalizing Education, Infrastructure, and Tackling Debt: President Ruto’s Ambitious Sh3.6 Trillion Budget Blueprint

Revitalizing Education, Infrastructure, and Tackling Debt: President Ruto's Ambitious Sh3.6 Trillion Budget Blueprint Education, infrastructure, and public debt will consume the majority of President William...

Democracy in Action: Empowering Taxpayers to Decide on the Proposed Housing Levy

Democracy in Action: Empowering Taxpayers to Decide on the Proposed Housing Levy Our Constitution mandates public participation in governance, democracy, public affairs, and the national...

Kenyans Voice Frustration Over Finance Bill as Officials Struggle to Justify Proposals

Kenyans Voice Frustration Over Finance Bill as Officials Struggle to Justify Proposals Sessions for public participation in the Finance Bill of 2023 were marked by...

Shakeup for Ruto as Finance Bill Hearing Unveils Startling Concerns

Shakeup for Ruto as Finance Bill Hearing Unveils Startling Concerns During hearings held by the National Assembly Finance Committee on Friday, May 27, 55 of...
