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Survivor Narrates How Driver Ignored Passengers’ Warnings Before Super Metro Accident That Killed 17

Survivor Narrates How Driver Ignored Passengers’ Warnings Before Super Metro Accident That Killed 17

A person who survived the tragic incident involving the Super Metro bus colliding with a lorry on the Kisumu-Nairobi Highway resulting in the immediate death of 17 individuals shared their recollection of the moments leading up to the accident.

Addressing the media, Aziz Abubakar asserted that the driver exceeded the speed limit to make up for time lost during an inspection at the Kenya-Uganda border.

The bus departed from Kampala, Uganda, and its final destination was Nairobi.

He mentioned that several passengers expressed worries about the velocity, yet the driver ignored their appeals.

“The checks at the border delayed our journey and it seems the driver was trying to cover for the time lost. We went at high speed, overtaking all vehicles and he was ignoring our pleas,” he stated.

Another survivor also remembered that the bus driver lost control while trying to overtake, resulting in a frontal collision with an approaching truck destined for Kisumu.

“If he weren’t moving fast, he would have managed to control the bus but it wasn’t the case. Fortunately, I sat at the driver’s side and escaped with minor injuries. The left side, however, was destroyed,” Isa Kigundu added. 


Allan Mwangi, the traffic enforcer in the Nyanza Region, reported that 11 individuals, comprising the two drivers, lost their lives instantly, and 39 others were injured. The bodies of the deceased were transferred to the Ahero County Morgue.

After the incident, Super Metro Sacco expressed sympathy to the families of the victims and committed to conducting an inquiry into the matter.

“As Super Metro family, we would like to inform the public that it’s so unfortunate that one of our buses plying the Kampala-Nairobi route was involved in an accident before Awasi along the Kisumu-Nairobi highway,” the Sacco stated via its social platforms.

“We would wish to convey a message of condolence to the families that lost their beloved ones and quick recovery to those who are in hospital.”

In the initial week of January 2024, the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) reported a tragic toll, with more than 84 fatalities, 234 individuals suffering severe injuries, and 190 sustaining minor injuries.

Out of the total of 84 casualties, pedestrians constituted the highest count with 31, followed by motorcyclists at 23, drivers at 7, pillion passengers at 6, and pedal cyclists at 1.

Survivor Narrates How Driver Ignored Passengers’ Warnings Before Super Metro Accident That Killed 17