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Sudi Claps Back at Malala Over Gag Order: “Elevated MCA Suffering From Illusory Superiority”

Sudi Claps Back at Malala Over Gag Order: “Elevated MCA Suffering From Illusory Superiority”

Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi challenged the authority of United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Secretary General Cleophas Malala.

Sudi’s dismissal followed Malala’s disclosure of correspondence to certain party members regarding their firm political positions, particularly concerning Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s purported marginalization within the ruling party.

Sudi, in a social media update, belittled Malala’s position, labeling him as an elevated ward representative unfit for the role of Secretary General in President William Ruto’s party.

“Elevated MCA suffering from illusory superiority, thinking he matches Raphael Tuju’s caliber,” stated Sudi.

Sudi’s comments on Wednesday morning further alleged that the party leader failed to measure up to Raphael Tuju, the former leader of the Jubilee Party.


Malala had penned a letter to Sudi, Gathoni Wamuchomba, the MP for Githunguri, and Mutahi Kahiga, the Governor of Nyeri, warning them to proceed cautiously or risk disciplinary measures.

“My attention has been drawn to the fact that certain individuals continue to show blatant disrespect to the party leadership, including the Presidency. This behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated within the realms of our Party, read the letter in part

Malala also warned Cabinet secretaries Moses Kuria, Aisha Jumwa, and Kipchumba Murkomen about getting involved in politics.

He stated that they were participating in political activities, which goes against the law that requires Cabinet Secretaries to avoid active politics while in office.

Hon. Moses Kuria, serving as the Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, Gender, and Affirmative Action, received a warning from Malala, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing service to the people within his portfolio. Malala also noted that should Kuria opt to participate in politics, he should consider resigning from his current position and entering the political arena.

Over the weekend, the Kapsaret legislator, Sudi, found himself embroiled in a heated exchange with the Deputy President, focusing on disputes surrounding the succession plans for the Deputy Presidency.

Gachagua publicly accused allies of Ruto of traveling across the nation to rally support for other leaders within the UDA party, thereby sidelining him.

In response, Sudi defended his actions by asserting his right to travel extensively throughout the country to build momentum for the Kenya Kwanza Government.

Sudi Claps Back at Malala Over Gag Order: “Elevated MCA Suffering From Illusory Superiority”