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HomeNewsStory of UoN’s New Secretary General, Ramesh Saxena

Story of UoN’s New Secretary General, Ramesh Saxena

Story of UoN’s New Secretary General, Ramesh Saxena

The University of Nairobi, known for its track record of developing student leaders who rise to prominence on national and international stages, has entered a new phase with the appointment of Ramesh Saxena as the Secretary General of the University of Nairobi Students Association (UNSA).

The electoral event took place on Thursday, March 28, 2024, featuring a competitive competition among five groups: Team Inclusivity, Team Collins M., Team Haya Dennis, Team Enock Nyamongo, and Team Liyosi Synergy. Using a delegate-based approach, Team Inclusivity claimed triumph by securing 26 delegate votes out of a total of 39.

Saxena, a medical student in their fifth year, currently takes a leading role in student leadership, aspiring to uphold the tradition of University of Nottingham alumni who have moved from campus politics to making an impact on a national and global scale.

During an interview limited to a select audience, Saxena delineated his plans for his term, stressing the importance of rejuvenating the influence of student leadership in national conversations and advocating for the welfare of both students and society.

“Like everyone else, I dream of seeing student leadership getting back to the national discourse, being a voice to the students and the oppressed of society,” he stated.


Addressing concerns about maintaining independence from administrative influence, Saxena reassured the student body, asserting, “We are not cat paws to be used by unknown faces. Our priority is the students and their welfare.”

Highlighting important student worries, Saxena emphasized that improving hostel conditions, service standards, campus safety, and addressing academic stress are crucial areas requiring immediate attention.

He promised to make student well-being a top priority and to guarantee their involvement in decision-making processes to avoid neglecting their concerns.

Recognizing the obstacles confronting universities, Saxena underscored the significance of involving students actively in institutional decision-making processes to effectively cater to their needs.

When questioned about the legacy he hoped to leave behind, Saxena humbly conveyed his aspirations to be recalled as a leader who fostered camaraderie and dedicated himself tirelessly to enhancing the welfare of his peers.

As Saxena steps into his new position, there’s great anticipation for his leadership to address obstacles and advocate for the varied student population at the University of Nairobi. This mirrors the institution’s enduring legacy of cultivating influential leaders who make a significant difference.

Story of UoN’s New Secretary General, Ramesh Saxena