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HomeNewsSomalia Arrests US-Trained Commandos for Ration Theft

Somalia Arrests US-Trained Commandos for Ration Theft

Somalia Arrests US-Trained Commandos for Ration Theft

The Somali government announced it had detained and suspended multiple members of an elite, US-trained commando team for embezzling food supplies donated by the United States. The government also stated it would take on the duty of providing provisions for the force.

The Danab unit has played a significant role in US-supported initiatives to fight the al-Qaeda-affiliated extremist group al Shabaab. In February, the United States committed over $100 million to construct up to five military bases for Danab.

In a statement released late on Thursday, Somalia’s defense ministry mentioned that it informed international partners about the theft and would provide the results of its investigation.

A US official told Reuters in a statement that Washington treats all allegations of corruption with seriousness.

“We look forward to engaging with the Danab on creating the necessary safeguards and accountability measures to prevent future incidents that could affect future assistance,” the official said, without directly addressing whether any US support had already been suspended.


In 2017, the United States committed to training and supplying the 3,000-member Danab as a rapid response force to combat al Shabaab, a group that has been rebelling against the central government since 2006.

Since 2022, Danab has played a significant role in a military campaign led by the Somali military and supported by allied clan militias. This campaign initially managed to reclaim large areas of central Somalia from al-Shabaab control.

The campaign’s momentum has diminished as government-aligned forces face challenges in maintaining control over rural regions, while al Shabaab persists in launching significant attacks, including in Mogadishu.

In 2017, Washington halted certain defense aid to Somalia because the military couldn’t properly track food and fuel supplies.

The United States often carries out drone attacks aimed at al-Shabaab militants.

Somalia Arrests US-Trained Commandos for Ration Theft