Siaya Governor James Orengo Ordered to Pay Ksh1 Million to Former Kisii Governor’s Mother for Defamatory Remarks

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Siaya Governor James Orengo Ordered to Pay Ksh1 Million to Former Kisii Governor’s Mother for Defamatory Remarks

Siaya Governor James Orengo has been directed to compensate Grace Moraa Ongwae, the mother of the former Kisii governor, with a sum of Ksh1 million.

As per her attorney Peter Wanyama, the 94-year-old woman took Orengo to court following defamatory comments he allegedly made during a previous public event in Kisii County.

Moreover, the attorney indicated that the court had requested the governor to publicly apologize to the grandmother of the previous governor.

“Governor James Orengo has been ordered to pay my client Kshs1 m for defamation and to issue a public apology to her. My client is 94 years old and mother to the former governor of Kisii.

“During the demonstrations and at a public forum in Kisii, Orengo SC castigated the 94-year-old great-grandmother in a defamatory tirade. Instead of doing his politics against his equal, he went after the mother,” stated Wanyama.

Father of Former Kisii Governor Testifies Against Orengo

Simultaneously, the attorney mentioned that the ex-governor’s father provided testimony against Orengo in front of the Kisii magistrate.

He described how the 97-year-old former Court Administrator recounted that while listening to the radio with his wife, they heard Governor Orengo make defamatory comments.

Furthermore, he requested that the governor address any political disagreements with his son directly, rather than involving his wife in the issue.

“He told the magistrate that if Orengo had a political problem with his son, the best way was to confront him directly; there was no need to drag his wife into the matter. The defamatory words were widely published on YouTube and social media,” added Wanyama.

As a result, the judge concluded that Orengo displayed no regret for his comments and ordered compensation.

“In his judgment, the trial magistrate was satisfied that all the ingredients of defamation had been proved and awarded damages,” added the statement.

Orengo’s Earlier Troubles

A recent publication by the Auditor General concerning County Governments has drawn attention to the governor due to its highlighting of numerous issues in Siaya County. These issues include significant project delays, unfinished work, and financial mismanagement.

Several projects being examined included the construction of Early Childhood Development (ECD) classrooms, the Siaya Town Bus Park, contemporary markets, water drilling and equipment programs, and the establishment of a stadium.

Furthermore, the report emphasized the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Management Information System. It also underscored the acquisition of land for a Biotech and Research Center in the Yimbo region of Bondo Constituency, among other initiatives.

Former Kisii Governor James Ongwae.

Siaya Governor James Orengo Ordered to Pay Ksh1 Million to Former Kisii Governor’s Mother for Defamatory Remarks