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HomeNewsSenior Police Officer Shoots Himself Dead

Senior Police Officer Shoots Himself Dead

Senior Police Officer Shoots Himself Dead

A wave of sorrow swept over Moyale Sub-County in Marsabit following the tragic death of a senior police officer, an Officer Commanding Station (OCS), who took his own life.

Reports from Gossipa2z.com reveal that the officer used his Ceska pistol to end his life on Tuesday night at approximately 11 p.m.

The Inspector was at home alone when colleagues living nearby heard a gunshot coming from his house.

Upon reaching the scene, officers discovered the inspector’s lifeless body lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

“The Dabel Police Station OCS shot himself in the chin, with the bullet exiting through his forehead,” stated a part of the police report.


Officers conducting preliminary investigations recovered about 14 rounds of ammunition near the deceased’s body. The Moyale Sub-County Police Commander and Directorate of Criminal Investigations officers visited the scene as an investigation into the officer’s death began.

The body was transported to Moyale Sub-County Hospital for a postmortem examination.

This tragic incident occurred just two months after another police officer, recently recruited, died by suicide at the Burduras West Location shortly after beginning his new assignment.

A police report indicated that locals discovered the officer’s body hanging from a tree and alerted the authorities.

Burduras Police Station officers quickly responded, identifying the deceased as a newly appointed administration police officer.

Following the junior officer’s death, the Takaba OCS and Mandera West Sub-County DCI personnel visited the scene to document the incident.

Senior Police Officer Shoots Himself Dead